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remedies to stop stress!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 14, 2006
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VZ Adventra CX6
Some great suggestions here, if I may add my two bit. When it comes to sleeping pills tablets, please remember that they are for short term use only. Herbal remedies like St Johns Wart is also good for lowering anxiety, but like many have already said you need to identify what is causing your stress and dealing with that instead of masking the syptoms of it.

I agree to with all the posters who are advising against forming a pattern of substance use (alcohol, drugs etc) before going to bed. This will just create another issue for you in the long run. Instead make going to bed a ritual. Start the whole process off about an hour before heading into bed. Warm shower, less stimulation (ie no hard music, movies etc), reading something simple (comic books are good for this), brush your teeth etc and then head into bed.

Longer term fixes include going to the gym, or practicing some form of meditation (you can download a lot of audio books, guided meditation, calming/soothing music etc) and just let it play in the background. Speaking to someone as someone else suggested is good.

If you are drinking too much coffee at work then maybe start cutting down - or heaven forbid start to drink de-caf. There are lots of useful sites online that can also help you to find ways to get a better night's sleep. But remember sleeping tablets and the like are not for the long term and they are no solution and as someone else has stated stay well away from Zoloft, there is too much conflicting research about it and it's negative affects on some people with some very devistating consequences.

Good luck.


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Nov 17, 2008
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This is a big one.

You will need to do alot of listening to get good answers that work for YOU on this one.

My experiences, whether they are releveant to you or not, is for you to decide.

i found that not sleeping because of work worries ended up meaning I was in the wrong job. Changing jobs certainly helped, but there was a deeper problem that needed treating.

It turns out I am clinically depressed. Technically, I have a lower than normal level of a chemical in the brain called Seratonin. This chemical is one of 3 in a coctail that exists in every nerve junction in the brain. It's major function is to be the chemical 'trigger' that is released from one nerve ending, to flow to the next nerve ending across the junction, to trigger firing of that nerve. Without seratonin, nerve impulses are not transmitted propeley.

Seratonin has a short life span. When it breaks down, it inhibits the chemical interchanges in the nerve junctions. So over time your body re-absorbs the seratonin, as well as making fresh seratonin, to keep the nerve junctions primed and ready.

My brain re-absorbed too much seratonin, too fast.

The way this affected me, is that I worried alot, was often stressed, and did not handle additional stress too well. I was prone to rage (without violence) and aggressive re-actions. My quality of sleep was often poor (although it was made worse by sleep apnoea due to massive multi drug resistant tonsilitis that took 4 years to get surgery on), I was intolerant of fools, and erratic.

If this sounds like you, I suggest you bite the bullett and do some of the on-line 'am I depressed' questionairres. You may find a deeper cause than just work.