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Teen arrested for listening to rap music.


Nov 11, 2008
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Smithton, Tasmania.
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2003 SS Commodore Series II
I can hear other peoples music (either walking past cars in a carpark or driving) so what i'm asking is, can i report it for being offensive (cause the music is offensive)?
Thats not even blaring, just loud enough that people walking by could hear it.

I dont like the style of music he was listening to, nor do i like his 'look', but everyone should be entitled to do what they want, and i suspect a complaint was made based purely on what he looked like and his choice of music (otherwise the fine would be for EXCESSIVE NOISE, not offensive music. THIS is the point your missing.

If you can hear it, and its quiet obviously offensive (Coarse language and graphic themes is whats concidered offensive by the majority of people, not just because you dont like it.) Then you're well within your rights to report it.

Although if you're just walking past, then you need to harden up a bit. But If its loud enough to hear from six blocks away its well and truelly over the top.
I'm not saying this is definatly the case with the guy thats been arrested. But it does happen, quiet alot.

I'd also be confident in saying they'd probably fine your for both excessive noise and offensive language if you were as smart as the young bloke in the original post.


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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im not fussed if the moderators want to blast me for what i have typed as the only thing i may get reprimanded over is saying spastic or blind twat, both

Good, then you will understand when you get infracted for personal abuse, especially against a moderator.

May I suggest the next thread you read is the forum rules, in particular please pay attention to the personal attack one :banstick:


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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If you can hear it, and its quiet obviously offensive (Coarse language and graphic themes is whats concidered offensive by the majority of people, not just because you dont like it.) Then you're well within your rights to report it.

Although if you're just walking past, then you need to harden up a bit. But If its loud enough to hear from six blocks away its well and truelly over the top.
I'm not saying this is definatly the case with the guy thats been arrested. But it does happen, quiet alot.

I'd also be confident in saying they'd probably fine your for both excessive noise and offensive language if you were as smart as the young bloke in the original post.

My point exactly. Wouldn't have even gone to court if someone who didn't like his style in music 'hardened up abit'


Hybrids. Cars for fools.
Feb 20, 2010
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Those Bible bashing Christians who play christian rock and church songs offend me greatly. Can they be arrested?


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
Those Bible bashing Christians who play christian rock and church songs offend me greatly. Can they be arrested?

If you take offence to it, yup


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Dec 5, 2009
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An arse is an arse no matter what he wears and he was being an arse.
i agree on so many levels :)

the way i see it if people want to twist my words around to make me sound bad then i will ask or even tell them not to in a way i feel that they will understand. minux twisted my words by saying that i said police are pigs, which i did not, but these individuals i feel were acting in a pig like manor. can anyone see the difference? police arent pigs police officers are police officers, but that doesnt stop some from acting like pigs. i know a lot of people that act like pigs and they are not police, but if one of them work in admin does that mean all admin workers are pigs? NO it means that that person is. so please, dont do this crap with me.

i am not prejudice against anyone, i have friends and family in all different fields of work including the police and all different nationalaties and religions. i have very few white friends when in fact i am myself, my friends range from some aussies, maltese, fijian, indian, italian, samoan, tongan, maori, kiwi, aboriginal, somalian and more i have also been with many different nationalties of girls from aussie to pom kiwi to asian and aboriginal. i have no issue with people as a whole from any category that people want to put others in but i do have issues with individuals. i dislike one of my neighbours for stupid stuff that he has done to me, BUT i have no issue with his family, i still speak to his wife. i am not the type of person that will put everyone in the same basket. and before anyone else wants to twist my words from previous posts i do not like the way emo's dress nor do i like a lot of emo styled music, but my ex had friends that were emo and yeah some of them were very nice people, i do not want to live in this style but they want to so thats fine.


We should have sushi Carol
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Nov 30, 2003
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if people want to twist my words around to make me sound bad

Maybe you need to read your own post where you called Minux a spastic and to use his tic tac sized brain.

No word twisting there, you outright launched a personal attack on a moderator, and now you are trying to make yourself look good. Far too late for that.


Likes Shiny Things
May 26, 2009
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Geelong, Vic
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This is ridiculous. It's about what is considered offensive by the majority of those in our society. Not about what offends you, unless that happens to fit in with the rest of the country.

If this wasn't the case then coarse language would not be a factor in the classification of films and literature. It would also mean that coarse language would no longer need to be censored during day time radio broadcasts. We could even start teaching our children how to spell swear words in primary school so they'll get it right. But until the majority of people in the country no longer find it offensive then too bad, thats democracy. If anything the apparent minority that aren't offended by coarse language need to take some concrete and harden up as I'm fed up with minorities ruining things for the rest of us.

And what does it matter if it was music, a broadcasted speech or the kid himself saying it? The fact is, it was coarse language and it was in public, in and around a society that finds it offensive and as such shouldn't have to tolerate it.

I don't personally find it to be that offensive. I might find it annoying if it was played loudly but he wasn't charged with excessive noise or noise pollution or whatever it is called so that is irrelevant. The fact is the kid should have had enough courtesy and decency to play the music at a volume that wouldn't have made it clearly audible to others around, or wind the windows up, or wait until he got home or out of earshot of others. Simple.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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Wait up, you say your sick of minorities ruining things for you, yet without these 'classifications' anyone who WANTED to see a movie could, i think you've got it backwards.Those classifications are ruining it.

Likewise games etc.....

THAT is what is ruining this country, nanny ****ing laws.

Also, different people class different words as swear words, so who makes the definition of which words are swear words? I know some people who as kids were punished for saying heck. Yet other words, such s the c word are perfectly fine to others.


Likes Shiny Things
May 26, 2009
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Geelong, Vic
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93 VP BT1 V6
I think movie classifications are fine as they are however I do think that gaming classifications need to be brought into line with other film and literature classifications as I feel the lack of an R18+ ratings is of detriment not benefit.

I also agree that Nanny laws do often ruin a lot of perfectly fine things. These nanny laws also often seem to be introduced as knee jerk reactions to either the stupid actions of a few or from the whinging of a few.

As far as a definition of what are swear words and what aren't I think you've raised an interesting point there. Are there any current lists of what are defined as swear words? Is there anything in our legal system that actually defines f*** as offensive? Or is it all based on a commonly held perception of what swear words are with the discretion left to the attending officers?