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  1. S

    Peter Brock Stickers

    what size are they?
  2. S

    Best 250 for Learners?

    Suzi Across 11litre fuel tank cbr good bike if low k's the better kwaka zzr250 just sold mine a week ago, kwaks have unbeatable gearboxs, very docile when learning and reliable. Good wind protection and fun to ride. Easily attach a ventura rack for bags n bits, dont get gearsack they look...
  3. S

    The Ham, Cheese and Tomato Toasted Sandwich Appreciation Thread

    Im surprised noone mentioned baked beans ona breville or the ham cheese and pineapple. of if you have a cafe style press, get some lebbo bread, mix tomoatoe paste and garlic psate together smother on bread top it with cheese ham capscicum onion pineapple, lots herbs n spices and you got...
  4. S

    I got sponsorship!

    what i keep telling people let me do your stickers and you get them cheaper!!! that ss why I sponsor just commos!:b:
  5. S

    I got sponsorship!

    Well if anyone else has any crazy ideas Im open to suggestion. Steve
  6. S

    Petrol Prices

    wasnt there sposed to be some guarantee on the price of gas? like a x amount of years before any major hike could happen? Im sure I heard something aboutthat somewhere. 86 corolla seca, SUPERDUPER fuel economy. Funny to think when I bought my 250 bike in 2000 is was about 10 to fill the tank...
  7. S

    Next Jc mod

    sexual favours? someone said why dont mods vote, way i see its the members club, the mods etc just try their best to run it and keep it going, which is a pain of a job. plus if anyone complains, yuo lot voted them in, kinda reminds me of federal elections.... since whenever was any kind of...
  8. S

    Shounak's Lounge

    Shounak, what are the stains on the lounge from?
  9. S

    Whats ur Nationality?

    Aussie born, irish mum scottish dad, they came here when they were but littlies and makes me one very confused person! My wonderful partners Aussie born, italian mum polish dad and incredible good looks. I work with croatians, most of my frineds are cro, maco, asian, italian, middle eastern...
  10. S

    STS temp out of action

    http://www.pneumothorax.org/pneumo.nsf/PAGE2?OpenView&Count=1000 pretty scary stuff and I hope this dont happen again thanks to those that emailed and wrote Steve (still breathing carefully)
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    STS temp out of action

    spontaneous pneumothorax is was got me, made it out of hospital alive this arvo, any enquiries unless you can work it out for yourself by reading the STS threads Ill answer in next few days, too many emails to go thru, still on pain killers. And thankful for worlds greatest girlfriend who called...
  12. S

    STS temp out of action

    Hello everybody aka STS Design Steve is in hospital still, with a collapsed lung. Possibly operating Mon/tues. Should be available by next weekend for any queries Sorry for any delays BTW Steve says hi to everybody Tess (Steve's fiance)
  13. S

    Telemarketers - I got THEIR NUMBER!!

    my fav is to say hangon Ill get the guy who lives here and put the handset on the tv for noise or leave it on the coffee table, and leave it there till the next ad on tv
  14. S

    Muslim Women

    on the subject of bike helmets, I ride where possible, just easier. I regularly goto the same servo for fuel and the guys there know me, I gesture to them to take off helmet and they wave me in, otherwise I go thru the nightsafe section(you see them manly on BP's) Its a pain when your in a hurry...
  15. S

    Motorbike Mechenics...Help!!!!

    I can recomend a really great mechanic on kwakas if your sydney based, I wouldnt trust mine to anyone else Steve zzr250, gpx750r
  16. S

    "where the bloody hell are ya?"

    flaming hell strike me flaming handsome, strueth, crikey, fairdinkum, by jeez by jingos by crikey! all I say say about it is..... BUGGER! now thats one thing you cant say in america without people giving you a quizzical look when I lived there briefly! Steve CRIKEY BLOODY OATH
  17. S

    Wrx Off

    Although Ive shat myself many a time, my bro in law has the full wrx scooby doo and I think apart from cars ability theres also the driver as well, hes an ex rally driver and actually knows how to drive it, must admit he does pass a lot of cars effortlessly, then again also doesnt make it look...
  18. S

    The official men's rules guide!!

    Oh one more thing, think high school is worst thing ever, wait til your working and paying your own way, Ive love to be back at school, was the easiest thing I ever did including HSC, sorry kiddies :D
  19. S

    The official men's rules guide!!

    at 430am when I get up for work and whilst having coffee and trying to work out why I have to get up before the roosters crow, I find that little cursor somewhat hypnotising, and yes they can "occassionaly" be decent when they realise all the stuff they think is new is actually the same stuff...
  20. S

    Whats Your A/s/l

    god I feel old now, but your only as old as your partner your feeling so that makes me 39 ! 34/m/West Sydney wasnt asl something from the MIRC days?
  21. S

    Ask the Cop - Speeding on the M7

    I agree with 12volt agreeing with Demon, so many times as I drive both the M5 and M7 six days a week I see so many people sorry guys but esp P-Platers, take their chances with speeding. Sure theres is better safer cars on the roads now with better gripping tyre technology brakes and...
  22. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    Its been hapening up on the Old Road around Mt White, talk to anyone who rides sports bikes and they will probably tell you something very similar, they think they own the road, at least we pay tax on it! But to everyone, thank you for your opinions I appreciate your honesty. Cheers Ride...
  23. S

    stupid school internet

    Jeez when I went to school if you had a 14.4 modem you were considered rich and internet?? waht was that, the only super highway we knew of was the new parramatta freeway and upcoming m5 motorway lmao and geez Im only 35 this year thanks kiddies now I feel OLD!!!! Steve
  24. S

    Stop these Idiots

    Burn outs oh I just love them especially at 2am last night when I have my 7yr old son asleep who sleeps with a window open, then some idiot and his mates decide to do burnouts in 4 cars, no only does my son have asthma and sleep apnia, he spent the next hour on a ventolin ventilator as the smoke...
  25. S

    tinted windows with p plates

    Yeah has to be easily seen by other road users
  26. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    But the RTA claim that toll is based on vehicle size weights etc thats why trucks pay a much higher fee, what the MCC and other groups point is that if thats the case why does a 180kg bike get charged the same as a 1 tonne car? See what I mean by that?
  27. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    Thats what MCC of NSW is saying I think, I agree its okay when traffic is stopped, lane filtering they have this legal in Victoria. I think the charge is lane sharing, ie also that you cant ride two abreast like the pushbikes do on the Old Road, they see motorbikes coming abd do this on purpose...
  28. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    okay so what baout push bikes that take up a lane block trafic drive people nuts in peak hour traffic and yet we have to give them same road use as a car which we pay taxes etc for and they dont pay a cent plus they just ride thru tollways free of charge. Dont get me wrong Im not attacking...
  29. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    I agree with the dropkicks that roar past cars, thats just an accident waiting to happen, but I do think that maybe its unfair for bikes to pay 3.30 on M5, they use less space, less harmful to road to say a family car etc but anyway Im just interested to hear people opinions.
  30. S


    Hopefully the resolution is right
  31. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    Just to add to this conversation, what about tollways, on the harbour bridge in Sydney, they used to pay 5c and cars were 20c, back then they believed there was a difference. Do you think a 2wheeled bike 250cc compared to a 1 tonne car at 1.6ltrs should pay the same tolls?
  32. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    Yes I definetly agree about some L-Platers, some riders do think that its their god given right to do so. Most forget thet riding/driving is a priviledge not a right. Then you have the kamakasi scooter riders in the city areas, hmmm
  33. S

    Another newbie

    Welcome to the board, you need a "when I grow up I wanna be a Commodore sticker" for that Charade lol VK's hmmm my fav Steve
  34. S

    Bikes Lane Splitting

    Hey Everyone Just curious, I know this is a car group, but I also ride a bike, Ive had to ride this week until my clutch gets fixed today and its reminded me of the current debate regarding motorcycles being allowed to "lane split". The current govt wants to make it illegal everywhere in Oz...
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    what size and colour do you want this one? Ive got about 3000 fonts and can pretty much beat any quote Steve
  36. S

    Reputation Idea..

    Ive been leaving rep pts, make my comment and name at the end, but how do you view it?
  37. S

    left or right?

    hey look, no hands! had to say it
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    Kitty loves spiderman

    When my son was about 2 I bought him a tickle me elmo and dancing tigrr from the pooh bear thing, pooh bear was great you pressed his hand and he would bounce, layhim face down and looked like he was boofin the carpet. Then place tickle me elmo in the right spot and with the sounds effects it...
  39. S

    JC Polos, expression of interest

    http://forums.justcommodores.com.au/showthread.php?t=26283 if you follow this link it will show photos of whats currently being made, until anyone gives me some idea of whats waned Im making simple designs, more will be available soon when I ge tmore screens and more emulsions etc AND more...
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    left or right?

    ok do I click the vote with my right hand, or my left hand, or both at once? hmmmm decisions....