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  1. C

    Lost VP key how to start

    Yeah I did wonder about fuel, it was sitting on a bit of a hill so the ass end was tilted backwards. Had a bit more goey with a squirt of engine start. Bloke up the road from me (also 90s commy nut) recons the vp models didn't have any extra security. Ended up just towing it round to the...
  2. C

    Lost VP key how to start

    Yup, it's turning over but dies a second or two after actually starting. Not sure why, doesn't usually have any problems starting. Also tried jumpstarting
  3. C

    Lost VP key how to start

    Immobilizer? Never had one
  4. C

    Lost VP key how to start

    Hi guys My partners lost my VP keys, I desperately need to move it to the garage, winter condensation and **** seals are making for mouldy seats. Tried turning over the barrel with a screwdriver to no avail, think I'm missing something?
  5. C

    VG sideskirts

    How's it garn, I'm looking at chucking a set of sideskirts on my vg. Looking like only wagon or statesman ones will fit, sedans too short? Just wondering if I could get later model ones to fit? Seeing heaps for sale for vy/vx 2010+ But nothing 90s Found a pair for a wagon vt/vz?
  6. C

    Vg column shift gears

    No #3 stickers :cool: Took that vg for its first drive since April last year and went smooth as. I was impressed with how quick it is to switch gears
  7. C

    Vg column shift gears

    So it's pointless essentially? Lol That blue interior!
  8. C

    Vg column shift gears

    Yep that's the one. I'll chuck some photos up tomorrow, vg and vp wagon both colum shift
  9. C

    Vg column shift gears

    Just confirming, my vg column shift has 2 drive gears. I'm assuming the blue one would be overdrive? Any info appreciated
  10. C

    VP wagon fuse cover?

    Great idea hadn't considered that ;)
  11. C

    VP wagon fuse cover?

    Hi guys, My vp wagon is missing the fuse cover panel that sits under the steering wheel in dash area. Been told a VR one will fit but it seems to be about 1cm too big on one side? Could it be maybe the plastics are a bit different with it being column shift? I'm unsure..
  12. C

    Roof lining

    What's the go with those roof ribs mate? I've just done my wagon liner and it's not sitting against the roof right. Thinking I might have missed something here? I only had a few velcro strips on the steel
  13. C

    Vp trim color code?

    Unless I take in a piece and go off the plastic side that's been against steel the whole time.. Looking like that'll be the way to go
  14. C

    Vp trim color code?

    Didn't think of that! It should be with the body paint code right?
  15. C

    Vp trim color code?

    Trying to find out the colour code for the trim on my vp wagon, I'm told it's the sandalwood colour but I haven't got a number to get a custom can made up etc. Also trying to do the same with a vg but I need to take some photos for the thread.
  16. C

    Ute respray?

    This one's got me dyslexia gurning 2L all up or 2L mixed? (=4L with a 1:1 with thinners dilution)
  17. C

    Ute respray?

    I may have missed a key point here.. This paints a base to mix 1:1 - 1:1.5 ratio with thinners so all up I've got 4L once everything's combined properly
  18. C

    Ute respray?

    The original red held up pretty well for 33 year old paint. Be happy if I could get the exact same formula stuff lol Didn't have a factory clear coat either
  19. C

    Ute respray?

    My issue with using a clear is the potential to peel in a few years :oops: I'm not the best painter but not too bad either.. The patches I have done over primer look pretty good/smooth with a good shine. I'll get a better photo tomorrow
  20. C

    Ute respray?

    Cheers :) I'd say I'll need a bit less than a sedan, 3L maybe? I'll see how I go. Be glad to get this one finished, new seats about to go in and a few dash repairs + fresh paint and she'll be done. Then onto the wagon...
  21. C

    Ute respray?

    I can definitely get more paint if need be! Just grabbed the 2 litres to begin with. How many L do you recon ill need?
  22. C

    Ute respray?

    Bay of plenty. Yep that could be a go too. Tailgate and bumper have been stripped right back, repaired and primed so likely will take a few extra coats. Will be blocking back the edges for sure, at the time I wasn't worried just wanted that white primer covered so it wasn't so cop magnety No...
  23. C

    Ute respray?

    Top half of this passenger door and a patch above the wheel have fresh paint, if you can see what I mean about the colour difference
  24. C

    Ute respray?

    A cut n polish brings the paint back quite nicely but unfortunately due to the sun damage/fading it's still not quite the same bright red as a fresh coat of the same paint
  25. C

    Ute respray?

    That's a bit of an older photo, I've since finished the panel work and painted over the primer patches with the premix custom cans you get from the auto paint store. It's the same as the original paint, lacquer base I believe? /1k Not planning on doing a clear coat
  26. C

    Ute respray?

    Afternoon, Im about to respray my vg ute. The original paint is in good condition but majorly sun faded. I'm planning on just scuffing that back and doing a light coat of fresh paint to bring that bright red back and blend the touch ups. Won't be doing the door jams or inside the ute tray...
  27. C

    Vr / vp glovebox

    I have a vg ute and a vp wagon they're both current projects. This is regarding the vp wagon
  28. C

    Vr / vp glovebox

    That's alright I haven't been able to find anything in that beige/sandalwood tone. I'm investing in some paint lol.
  29. C

    Vr / vp glovebox

    Will a vr glovebox door fit on a vp glovebox?
  30. C

    VN dash removal

    Thanks, im driving a couple hours away to grab it. A friend of a friend has an old vn sitting on his lawn and the dash it all that's left of it apart from the frame and some wires lol trying to get as much info as I can before I get down there
  31. C

    VN dash removal

    (Pic for example) This is what I'm talking about: the dashboard/surround plastic
  32. C

    VN dash removal

    (Point being I don't need the steering mechanism) I think you guys missed my point, I'm picking up a new dash to put in my ute the old ones sun damaged to **** and full of cracks/warping etc. I'm not replacing the cluster, I don't have speedo or ac problems. (On this ute. my vp odometer as...
  33. C

    VN dash removal

    Whole front of the inside of the car, air vents, speedo, stereo surround etc the whole lot. Just not the steering wheel stuff
  34. C

    VN dash removal

    Whole unit essentially the entire front plastics area
  35. C

    VN dash removal

    Afternoon, Anyone know where I might find a guide to remove a vn dash? Also needing info on replacing the odometer parts thatve worn down, cogs of some sort? Cheers
  36. C

    Looking for rear side window trim?

    That'd be okay aye, I can always get more printed if they turn to **** after a couple years
  37. C

    Looking for rear side window trim?

    Good point, I hadn't considered the uv damage
  38. C

    Looking for rear side window trim?

    That's half of what I paid for the whole ute lol! Crazy how expensive parts are for these older models now. A friend of mines been getting into 3d printing, wonder if he could make some up?