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  1. V

    My VX SS

    thats one mean ride mate, hows it go? looking at upgrading to one when i get off my P's in jan.
  2. V

    The bathtub test

    well done.
  3. V

    home made CAI

    that sounds like my best option. cheers man.
  4. V

    home made CAI

    codeunkown gave ya a bit of a spray lol. looks like a beast of a thing. hard to put on?
  5. V

    home made CAI

    what about the old 2 hole airbox mod. been reading up about it a bit and it seems to be real easy and get good reults for not much money. any experience with it?
  6. V

    home made CAI

    makes sense.
  7. V

    home made CAI

    the extension i got came with some points for the vairious plugs and what not so they are all in. i do notice it doesnt go as hard after a long stint at the lights however it isnt really big enough to complain about. how does your D.I.Y box go? it looks trick as.
  8. V

    home made CAI

    well the warmer the air the hotter the engine is running..prolonged that cant do it a whole lot of good. thats just my resoning anyway, i could be way off.
  9. V

    home made CAI

    yea ive noticed that. had a few problems when i first installed it. i repositioned it and its not as bad but i cant imagine its doing it any good.
  10. V

    K&N Panel filter or MACE CAI?

    looks easy enough to do. might give it a shot. same procedure on the the vx ecotec 6?
  11. V

    home made CAI

    ill look into the inslating spacer. cheers
  12. V

    What IGNITION LEADS Leads do you use?????????

    :unsure: havent heard that before....then again i havent heard much regarding electrics so its probably very true ill see how i go. i have some MSD coils on the way soon so they should be able to cope. :unsure:
  13. V

    home made CAI

    haha yea i caught that after i finished lol, felt like an idiot. cheers man
  14. V

    home made CAI

    hey all, just got a POD on my car but it is sucking in some warm air from the radiator/headers etc. i want a cold air intake but being a poor ####er i can't afford the $500 for an SS inductions one(as bad as i want it). is it possible to make one or is there cheaper ones available? cheers.
  15. V

    Leaking boot

    any other side effects apart from the condensation? Because i have my guitar amp and cab in the boot and i constantly get water on the amp and in the speakers. Sick of pulling them apart to clean/dry them.
  16. V

    What IGNITION LEADS Leads do you use?????????

    i just bought some bosch leads. they are the performance racing ones. the go really well. pricey but worth it.
  17. V

    Fun but frustrating-how good are you??

    13.652 was the best i got lol
  18. V

    Asylum - Disturbed

    i loved it and the decade of disturbed dvd is mad as a dog in a hat lol. they better be out here soon.
  19. V

    hey man, cheers for accepting. We should organise a meet with some other people while the main...

    hey man, cheers for accepting. We should organise a meet with some other people while the main blokes are on a break. where do ya hail from?
  20. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    All the best with that man, they are sick cars.
  21. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    yea ive had more of a look around and found a few manual monaros for quite a good price actually. Looks like thats the way ill go, now i just gotta wait untill jan 23rd to get the full licence, god damn P plate laws. thanks for all the help guys, wouldnt have even thought of a monaro before this...
  22. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    i had a look at the monaro's but couldnt find any in manual.
  23. V

    vx commodore engine mods

    cheers for the help guys but ive decided to keep the car relatively stock as i am upgrading to an SS in january.
  24. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    sounds like a good idea. anyone know where ya can buy the coulson leather vx hsv seats but in cloth (leather sucks in our aussie summers). i think thats what i wanted most from the HSV.
  25. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    my limit would be about 20k, ive had a look at both and most of them come under this price.
  26. V

    My first v8....need help choosing!!!

    hey guys, i get off my P's in January which means i can finally get a big thumping 8. i cant decide between a normal SS or a HSV. I want the VX shape and a manual so the difference in the interior will be shite all and i already know where everything is. If i decide on the SS than my choices...
  27. V

    Brain power of apprentices

    i got done when i was doing an engineering apprenticeship. i was with the welder and he asked me for the bucket of sparks....i think i spoke to about 20 people before i realised i was being had. so i got one of the blokes at trade school. god it felt good haha.
  28. V

    Why you should be careful what you drink:)

    thats brilliant
  29. V

    vx commodore engine mods

    hey guys, i own a VX s pack 5 speed manual (as my name suggests). Just wondering what sort of mods i can do to the engine to get a bit more rwkw. I have a 2.5" high flow cat sports exhaust to go on soon aswell as a 69mm throttle body hopefully in the next few weeks. As i am still on my P's...