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  1. V

    Got a red 202 motor going into my baby next week!

    yeah alright soop whats the bad news?
  2. V

    Got a red 202 motor going into my baby next week!

    OMG, Cant wait got a red 202 motor going into my babyy NEXT WEEK! cant waittt! to drive the fkn thing! i'll keep all your advice in my head because i know one day its going to come in handy.. tryna think where in melbourne is there a good place for me too really open her up! ;)
  3. V

    Tryna make my 202 v6 vh commodore sound like a v8 without adding any extra's,

    hey where are you from? extractors hard to put in? how much you selliing them for?
  4. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah because the top half of the engine was taken out not all of it yet! Lmao weathers been fkn ****! and my shabby unit dont have a garage or carport.
  5. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    hey boyyy's just got the car home on friday :D so here's some photos [FONT="Book Antiqua"]these are still the before photo's please let me know what use think![/FONT]
  6. V

    Tryna make my 202 v6 vh commodore sound like a v8 without adding any extra's,

    i know, i might as well just leave this website! Forget it ! if im just going to givin smart anwser's.
  7. V

    Tryna make my 202 v6 vh commodore sound like a v8 without adding any extra's,

    yeah ok... ill check. but i didnt mean all the time in the world to sit on my ass infront of a computer id rather be under the bonnet all day then in front of a computer.
  8. V

    Tryna make my 202 v6 vh commodore sound like a v8 without adding any extra's,

    i was wondering to myself last night if that would be possible. ? but then again i was thinking about make modifications to my exhaust but was still thinking is that possible because its the stock exhaust. hmm, i dont know tell me what use think! p.s number 6 piston is just not...
  9. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Hey boys I need a tow truck or someone that can pick up my car from st albains very cheap because everyone that I fkn know even some of my ####in mates are gonna charge me 150+ to tow my car there no way I'll pay that and I Dnt trust fkn tow trucks but if use can't help me find someone to tow it...
  10. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Thanks buddy :), saddest thing to say is his not gonna improve matey.
  11. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Alrght Pete sounds good mate thankyou so much I just sent you an email when u jump online and read it please feel free too ring me matey I shall wait for your call tomorrow considering I willnt be doing anything anyway! Once again thanks mate take care!
  12. V

    Try to find a good personalized number plate to get for my vh commodore any ideas ???

    VFCKNH sounds pretty wicked but not sure if vicroads will accept it Lmfaaao tightass's
  13. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    well so far i think i found an alright one the guy told me on the phone the engine has only done 160,000kms because it used to be his grandmothers car and yeah they just wanna get rid of it because nobody is driving it now as they have 4 cars already!
  14. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Heeeeeeeey boyyyyyyyyyyyyyz :D i found a motor & box together me and dad's gonna go check it out sometime next week its $260 and its in good condition ill let use know how it sounds and **** so yer ill get back to use. :) enjoy your day everyone!
  15. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah darren, i will just keep my eye open on ebay and trading post and ****
  16. V

    Leaking fuel tank

    hahaha thats what happens when ya half asleep, lol
  17. V

    Leaking fuel tank

    yeah, but try and see if u can find one somewhere down my end only if u can tho ! Thanksbuddy
  18. V

    Try to find a good personalized number plate to get for my vh commodore any ideas ???

    Hey once again peoples... while im waiting for an engine i've been tryna figure out a good number plate for my vh commodore that will represent me and the car if use get what i mean that would be good like i was thinking maybe.... [ SLAMVK if anyone has any other ideas please post a thread...
  19. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    i was thinking about adding a monster tacho ! now is that ilegal to a L plater ? because in my vh its got the vacum gauge insted of the rpm gauge, and what about the mini tacho's that go outside on the top of ya bonnet ?
  20. V

    Leaking fuel tank

    haha paint in the but is correct lol... try changing the tank and grabbing the fuel lines while your there! ... do you know anyone thats selling a 202 motor for my vh if so that would be great ! ?
  21. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah i wanna put that in, but for now i wanna just kick back and relax and try put another motor in her.
  22. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    i really wanna put a 355 stroker motor in her but unsure if it will fit :( i wanna wait untill i get off my p's first but then again #### COPS they are always hassling p plater's
  23. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah HOLD3N your right,... ill keep you posted mate im getting the car on tuesday so once i get the car back home with me ill take some photos and let us all see under the hood and ****! does that sound better so then use have more too work with !
  24. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah, well to behonest there is a place in dandenong ( in melbourne ) its a wreckers and this guy said he will charge me $600 for a vh 202 motor... + $400 dollars to put it in i always thorght to behonest that, that was a rip off but then again i may be wronge but for $900 dollars i could of got...
  25. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    thankyou matey.. if u have a look of the photo of the top half of the engine in the boot there like little black holes im pretty sure thats where the pistons line up and **** there is 2 there that are silver! on the far right side... i wont if thats the problem :|
  26. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    hmm yeah zeussy that sounds like an idea... when i get the car home ill take heaps of photos and ill post them on here alright.. i appreciate you guys tryna help me! and im always pleased to read what use have to say!!
  27. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Thankyou matey sorry to hear that u dont have ur vh anymore it sounds like a pretty Mint car... atm im trying to decide what i should do ? just change the pistons or change the whole engine!
  28. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    that sounds like a great idea buddy but, as to knowing if the pisten dropped a ring, or melted a hole in it or snaped in half ... i think it cleanly snapped right in half to be honest. but no i dont have any other photos as of yet im going to pick up the car one tuesday as its at my brothers...
  29. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    i was just wondering is it possible to just replace number 6 piston ? or will i have to replace the whole engine ?? :(
  30. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah im pretty good wen it comes to engines... i help ma old man rebuild his vc commie engine
  31. V

    Leaking fuel tank

    a vp,vr,vs sedan fuel tank should fit depending on how they have had it bolted up but as far as i know u should be able to fit one in there buddy have you checked the plugs ? maybe it has a hole in it somewhere.
  32. V

    Everything to know about VB - VKs

    does anyone know anywhere or anyone selling a 202 motor that i can put in my vh commdore.?
  33. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    another thing boys can use please tell me the differance between stock wheels and the interceptor's ? Because honeslty i have no clue on whats the differance!!.
  34. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    opps sorry boy's, its the Number 6 piston that **** it self.
  35. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    yeah the head blew up on the previous owner!
  36. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    hey hey peoples i was just searching through my computer and i also found these photo's :P spare tyre needs to be changed for sure!
  37. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    ohh haha poor Ari' keep looking buddy you'll find someone :D good luck... this wreckers in dandy wants 600 dollars for a secondhand 202 motor but an exstra $400 dollars to put it in for me ! :@ i was like ohhh come on buddy gosh i just paid 600dollars for it! LOL im not sure if i should go there...
  38. V

    Blue 202 what are some mods any preofrance mods?

    Does anyone know where i can pick up a cheap 202 motor for my vh commodore. around melbourne!
  39. V

    this is my vh that i brought for $400 dollars

    Does Anyone know where i can pick up a cheap engine for my vh ? around melbourne !