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  1. DJ-Bolan

    SV6 VE Mods/Add-ons for more KW's, what have you done?

    if i'm paying for the car, i can pretty much do whatever i want to it. so you're telling me you've never done any illegal things in your life? not even once? bullcock. even though those rules were set in place for others safety. so don't be a hypocrite. if i want to be a herp derping and i...
  2. DJ-Bolan

    Engine died at 100kmh then check engine light up ?

    well, due to answering threads. helping people with some knowledge i have. i scrolled down to the bottom and a "similar thread" lead me to this thread. even if it is two years old. it's knowledge that people can use. and if you trying to be a smart ass, learn punctuation then try to insult my...
  3. DJ-Bolan

    Engine died at 100kmh then check engine light up ?

    yeah, she lets just about anyone and everyone use it. lol. she gave me it for a month as she traveled overseas. she wants people to use it as if she gets enough KMS on it she gets it back on tax, and gets the car cheaper due to using it for work. pretty sweet deal. she knew i lost my license...
  4. DJ-Bolan

    Thermostat issue? Motor runs very cool.

    usually a cars temperature gauge should be little under 1/3 the way. enough so the clearances are correct/factory and also not hot enough to cause any damage. it being cooler is better than it being hotter. get into your car in a cold say, and try to flog it. does it sound right? hardly. all the...
  5. DJ-Bolan

    Spraying 2pac help pls

    you will have to sand it back. when you paint 2pac it needs something to stick to, sanded down primer is perfect for it. so if i was you, i would sand the car back down to primer, then start again. otherwise you will like imperfections everywhere and the paint won't be straight and won't look...
  6. DJ-Bolan

    Engine died at 100kmh then check engine light up ?

    actually, if you read it. ABS working, EPS working. Rotors are fine and sensors are back to working, only over heated. I am pretty smart doing hand brakies and burnouts in my mates mums car, it's a company lease car, any problems get fixed via ford, and i don't have to pay for fuel. So...
  7. DJ-Bolan

    SV6 VE Mods/Add-ons for more KW's, what have you done?

    hey all, i'm planning on getting a VE SV6 ute very soon. Just wanting to know what is the best value for money VE's mods for manual ute (work for family business). Let me know what you have done, what you've gotten out of it and what's been effected. Erh, i want a lot of power mods to...
  8. DJ-Bolan

    Mechanics and Non-Mechanics welcome! Share what you know!

    i've changed springs to lower springs, fixed head gasket, changed master cylinder and did a front to back exhaust job on my old 300zx but i just want to learn how to rebuild gear boxes and fix cracked heads. always been into the intricate parts along with aesthetics. complicated decision. derp
  9. DJ-Bolan

    water keeps getting in with the oil

    then i'm assuming that when you removed the bolt that snapped, and sanded it, there is a hairline gap there, and thats where the moisture/water is getting in. the only 100% fix is to head the head and block properly removed and machined and put back together with that gasket, or try using a cork...
  10. DJ-Bolan

    Mechanics and Non-Mechanics welcome! Share what you know!

    yeah i can see where everyone is going with this, i have such a passion for cars, bikes and everything. i would love to know all the tricks of the trade and be able to be confident with what i do, which would mean either studying for 4 years and become completely qualified (and get paid in the...
  11. DJ-Bolan

    cost of lowering

    yeah you can tackle the job by yourself if you've got an extra set of hands, the right springs (make sure the springs have the same amount of rings/binds in them) all you need is: a car jack really ####ing thick rope or strap wrench spring compressors hammer and socket set lift up the car...
  12. DJ-Bolan

    water keeps getting in with the oil

    well the real question is, when you re-assembled the head, did you over tighted the bolts or did you check the manual and use a torque wrench or just do it by hand? did you add a sealer between the gasket and head to make them stick together? i've used cork gaskets and they seem to work very...
  13. DJ-Bolan

    water keeps getting in with the oil

    the surfaces might not be completely flat, little gap from head to gasket to block. run the car for 5 mins and check under the oil cap lid. see if there is any water present there, if not take it for a drive. come back and check again. if there is, bleed the whole system of oil. and refill with...
  14. DJ-Bolan

    Engine died at 100kmh then check engine light up ?

    vs-6 reply if EPS fail and ABS fail also, check your breaking sensors. i was in my friends mums ford focus hatch back ghia and i was doing too many hand break turns and burn outs. ended up overheating all the sensors. just went home. wet the breaks with a hose. waited 10 minutes anxiously...
  15. DJ-Bolan

    How many ____ does it take to change a light bulb < post them here

    Q: How many anorexic does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Two; One to screw in the light blub and one to tell him how skinny she looks whilst doing it! bit mean, but in hindsight it's funny!
  16. DJ-Bolan

    How many ____ does it take to change a light bulb < post them here

    Q: How many gym-junkies does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Two; One to screw in the light blub and one to tell him how 'beef' he looks whilst doing it! now that's a good one xD
  17. DJ-Bolan

    Mechanics and Non-Mechanics welcome! Share what you know!

    hey, just wondering, how many people are actually mechanics here, and how many are not? just curious, because i want to learn about cars from the inside out. was thinking about becoming a mechanic, but due to financial reasons i'll have to hold out for a couple 2 years. how long roughly (i...
  18. DJ-Bolan

    Getting my first Holden soon, 2007-2011 VE SV6 Ute - White, lowered, black tint and flat subs...

    Getting my first Holden soon, 2007-2011 VE SV6 Ute - White, lowered, black tint and flat subs. Can't wait! P-Platers are invincible, that's why i keep loosing my license. I wanna stay invincible forever
  19. DJ-Bolan

    Holden Commodore VE SV6
