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vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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Sounds like that guys was not in a very good head space. If that road gets empty to the point he felt he could hit that speed safely then fair enough. If you're only putting yourself at risk and you accept the consequences and are in a sound mental state to make that choice, in my opinion it's fine. But if it puts anyone else at risk, like his passenger or the other drivers that called it in, then it's unacceptable.

I'm heavily bias because of how much time I spend on the road and the stuff Ive seen road law enforcement do is disgusting. Tho, to be clear I don't agree with that guy doing 250 where he did.

Would be nice if Aus had better road construction, traffic management, high speed lanes etc. There's so many issues with roads, law enforcement and motorists.

Even if he takes just himself out, what about the poor buggers that have to clean up the mess....

They're the ones I feel for


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Not that that's the goal here.
The reality is that dealing with death on the road is a busy job. The Bruce highway sits at about 1 roll over per month, 1 fatality every 2 months.
Death sucks, but there's plenty of it. Yes it would be nice if death didn't happen on the roads. In a perfect world I guess everyone would die in their own bed, in hospital or an aged home. Various occupations are trained in dealing with these things with the expectation that it will be a part of their job and it is.
Again I'm bias here. I date a nurse and I drive a truck. I've seen and heard of plenty of death.
Everything is a procedure, they fall back on their training, go through the motions and get it done. They don't love that part of the job, but they know it's a part of it.

vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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Not that that's the goal here.
The reality is that dealing with death on the road is a busy job. The Bruce highway sits at about 1 roll over per month, 1 fatality every 2 months.
Death sucks, but there's plenty of it. Yes it would be nice if death didn't happen on the roads. In a perfect world I guess everyone would die in their own bed, in hospital or an aged home. Various occupations are trained in dealing with these things with the expectation that it will be a part of their job and it is.
Again I'm bias here. I date a nurse and I drive a truck. I've seen and heard of plenty of death.
Everything is a procedure, they fall back on their training, go through the motions and get it done. They don't love that part of the job, but they know it's a part of it.

Yes, dealing with death is something they face, but idiots like in this thread, they shouldn't have to, just because they want to be a D/H...

So them having to deal with it, shouldn;t be part of the conversation,, due to stupidity, along with everyone else that has seen this sort of thing in their lifetime...Not to mention innocient people witnessing it
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vc commodore

Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Not that that's the goal here.
The reality is that dealing with death on the road is a busy job. The Bruce highway sits at about 1 roll over per month, 1 fatality every 2 months.
Death sucks, but there's plenty of it. Yes it would be nice if death didn't happen on the roads. In a perfect world I guess everyone would die in their own bed, in hospital or an aged home. Various occupations are trained in dealing with these things with the expectation that it will be a part of their job and it is.
Again I'm bias here. I date a nurse and I drive a truck. I've seen and heard of plenty of death.
Everything is a procedure, they fall back on their training, go through the motions and get it done. They don't love that part of the job, but they know it's a part of it.

Click on the link and have a looksey at what the D/H in this thread could have hit....Imagine the mess the poor bastards would have had to deal with if things went pearshaped...Make sure you scroll back 180 degrees too, just to see how things could have turned nasty real quick


EDIT....This spot isn't too far from where he actually stopped
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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Yeah f all vision around corners, cars everywhere, on ramps, built up road infrastructure. That's a bad place to be clowning around.
If he'd hit and damaged that overpass I'm sure the Civil contractors would have wanted a few million in taxpayer dollars to repair the damage. The cops would take it as an excuse to have another speeding blitz and being a Commodore it would have sparked another campaign against hooning.