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JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2


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Dec 4, 2013
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All this talk of big corporations and how they feed off the little people just confuses me and IMO has little affect on my life. I honestly think Gov's should get back to basics and address the things that affect the average person f### the rich and all the mumbo jumbo that's in the news about them, I find it rather boring. I just want better roads where I live, better ways to care about the environment on an individual level and stuff that I and lots of other people care about. Things that I care about are harsher penalties for repeat crims, harsher penalties for sex offenders of any kind, sealing or at least grading of dirt roads a lot more often, and ways the average person can help care for the environment, like refunds on drinks containers Aust wide not just in the NT and SA. If the Greens had kept inline with what they started as which was ways to look after the planet instead of messing with things that didn't need messing with they would have kept their seats. Trouble is most parties have lost their way in what the founders started it as. Now most of the parties stand firm on SFA, have lost their roots and get involved in things that I bet most of Aust wouldn't really care about.

To understand why laws and regulations are made you need to understand how Corporations operate. They have the Currency Horse Power to grease the politicians and manipulate elections. Every human is for sale, I mean everybody. Very hard next to nobody, to find someone that will refuse the lust of wealth.

Understanding other nations and how their operate, will give you an idea on how the world works. Is not rocket science, is all on the currency. The class division that you see is the product of a failed Economic/Banking System. Central Banks are the most evil thing that you can find on the planet. Think about it for a second, a bank that issues notes, backed by nothing with interest. On top, you got Corporations with Global Mergers and Acquisitions controling the markets.

People vote with their wallets and react with their feelings.

The USA is so corrupted beyond believe and Jack Ma said, and I am paraphrasing.... China has infrastructure paid by US Treasury Bonds, the USA all they have is a huge military and no infrastructure to show for.

Here is some to chew on...

Is all over the news, looks like the US Presie is messing with free enterprise but deep down is preventing a takeover by a Globalist Corporation.

All they do is buy the competition and corner the market. Produce subpar merchandise at premium prices and pay the worker pennies on the dollar.

TPP, NAFTA and the rest is a way for Corporations to bypass nations laws, or just write their own. I say, Oz needs to get the hell out of TPP quicker than a hurry.

A good example is Holden, GM an US Corp, closed it and giving you guys leftover rebadged Opels (loosely speaking in a demeanor maner). The public always get the short end of the stick.
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And how does this all affect the things I want like decent roads and better ways to recycle what would otherwise be garbage thrown into the beautiful Tasmanian bush. Or washed up on beaches choking sea life?


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Dec 4, 2013
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Corporations are fixated in proffits and does not give 2 shits about anything else. For example, NAFTA created a nice deal with Mexico. All US car manufacturers including Germans and others, moved there for 1 reason. Is cheap ! Cheap labor, next to nothing environmental laws, is manufacturing heaven. Still getting shitty cars though.... In the US, we do not see any of that and if you cannot see it, it does not hurt.

I believe that are lots of example in Oz and the mining industry. How the land is polluted and there is huge wall of red tape to take any action.

What about Oz ask for the money wasted on the F35 or the one given to Clinton Global Initiative (thanks Julia) and use it for some better at home?
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Right so basically from what you're saying Sydrol is that the reason a number of our roads are really poor in Tas is because the big mines just care about profits?? And does the same apply for simply adding a 10c refund on drink containers which South Australia and the Northern Territory already do. So somehow it is up to big business to talk to our gov's to implement these ideas that some states have had in place for almost 40 years??? The answer to me doesn't seem that complicated. I was under the assumption that a political party had to draft legislation on these simple policies and then ask the Gov to vote?? Or am I missing some here??


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Dec 4, 2013
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No, big business controls the gov co. Politicians are nothing more than pitchmen. How that goes... Money talks, Bullshit walks.

In manufacturing, we use some called the 5 Whys. Ask why 5 times, perhaps more and you will find the answer of why the things are the way they are.

I used mining as an example. To be honest, they are one of the worse polluters on the planet. Ask where Lithiun is from, follow the trail, you will be surprised that Electric Cars are not as "green" as people believe. Did you know, Afghanistan has vast deposits of Lithium and other metals? Let that stew for a minute and you will find out, why the US is neck deep in the area. That is beside the Poppy fields own by whom?

Also, the people ask for this and that, who is going to foot the bill? Any big or small project cost money. The Gov has a Printing Press and print as much as they want. All that does is devaluate the currency and is a viscious cycle until all crash. The Gov Co swamp creatures are good at blaming others and find excuses for the fiasco.

Just ask, why the roads are bad, wait for the answer and ask why again, again and again...
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Jan 17, 2010
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Yes Skydrol but I am talking about little things. Drink container refunds in particular. Going by what your saying SA and NT are not being held ransom by big corps like every other state. Because they have this in place already. I want to make a difference in my back yard. Stuff what the big corps do. I don't have the money to take of a law suit for the pollution they are creating. But I can make a diff locally and one who drives Tas roads regularly I can say we are one of the most litter filled places I have seen in Australia. I have travelled to every state bar WA and I must say we are the most disrespectful people when it comes to keeping our bush and roadsides free of rubbish. This could change if we were better educated. But from your argument the big corps like the rubbish on the streets because in some way they make people toss it on the ground and out their car windows.


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Dec 4, 2013
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It takes a strong and tight community to clean it. Refunds on containers is chump change. Seems like a honorable cause but is not cost effective for the amount of effort involved.

A lot has to do with habits. The sense of duty of taking care of what you have. Always say, take care of your things (meaning, everything and anything) and those things will take care of you.

The issue of throwing trash on the roads is some that has to come from the individual. That is not a money issue, is a respect issue. Do not be shy on calling someone out. Due to political correctness, you might offend the person, therefore, you keep your mouth shut. I am grumpy old man... I yelled at people cutting on the queue/line, not shy speaking my mind, screw them!

If you go to poor countries, people have low moral, self steem and they do not give a damn about anything, nation pride is lost, plain apathy. The money issue can play by placing more law enforcement to fine the perps. Also, could be a mix of both, not enough money to pay for cops, in turn, lower wagers turns moral down, or just not enough of money to increase the personnel.

Does not matter, poor or rich, put the trash where it belong, in the bin.

All boils down to slowdown on the economy.

You see... you said it, not enough money for a law suit. Is another way to push away individuals with a legitimate complaint. Sunk by the legal bureaucracy created by lawyers.

I have a soft spot for Australia, for what I read, seems to have a warm hearted friendly population. Will hate to see you guys going down the drain. Is on my bucket list to visit the land of down under. Will make a trip one of these days, when my daugher is old enough to stomach a flight there.
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Dec 4, 2013
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Will like to share this video. Very interesting stuff and some explanations.



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Dec 4, 2013
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The Youtube Shooter was an Iranian Female inmigrant... Mark Dice cannot say it any better.
