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JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2


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Dec 4, 2013
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Oz, what the heck is this rubbish?



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May 14, 2013
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Far Kurnell
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Oz, what the heck is this rubbish?

I'll fix your question, you mean " Oz, what the heck is this ? Rubbish !!!!"
Unfortunately, Oz is now a land of all things imported …… goods, people, and ideas.
Goods come from anywhere in Asia.
People and Ideas ...…. can't answer that. I'd be racist, opinionated, sexist, mysogonist, homophobic, (and lots of other labels that I can't spell.)
The only thing we can export is Kiwis and Poms with criminal records, but we are not good at that either.
We can't even skite about how good our cricket team is anymore, the country is stuffed.


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May 14, 2013
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Your thoughts, opinions....

I am not an economist, a real estate agent, a statistician or a crystal ball gazer.
This prediction is being made every year, and it will eventually come true, much like the football coach who says that every loss brings them closer to the next win.
The main problems are, ‘everybody’ wants to live in Sydney or Melbourne, ‘everybody’ wants to live in a 300 sq metre, 2 story McMansion with 4-5 bedrooms, plus double garage, close to all amenities and public transport. These are the whingeing ones on the TV suffering ‘mortgage stress’.
‘Nobody’ is prepared to start with a 3 bed fibro/brick veneer, no garage, in a regional town with lower wages and living expenses.
The subject of Australian housing affordability has been done to death on this forum/thread before.
There has been far too much discussed about whose fault it is, baby boomers, retirees, affluent immigrants, and upwardly mobile young go getters, or down trodden working class. The ‘poor fella me’, and ‘have a cup of concrete and harden the f**k up’ camps have all had a say..
But, if you continually predict doom and gloom, it will eventually happen.


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I bought my block for $7k five years ago. I intentionally don't own a $500k property with a $490k debt. Well mostly intentional as I couldn't afford a more expensive block. I opted for a cheap house and live within my means and have a nice two bedder, one bathroom and shed. All up less than $150k and I only earn $450 a week, less than a damn pensioner and I have to pay to get to work..... I'm not of the mindset that I need the best TV and the nicest lounge and what ever else people put on their GE Money Geenie cards.... Nope most of my furniture is second hand because I refuse to buy goods that I can not afford to pay for without booking it up.
I also have no sympathy for anyone who feels mortgage stress because they have to have the best house on the best street in the best suburb... People who complain they will never own sht me. Like you say Figjam suck it up, I say and work it out. Even on the disability pension you can own a house if you choose the right location.

The fact is there are so many people who are going to be in a world of pain in a few years time when interest rate go back up. Then we will hear how ruthless the banks are, hurting the poor Aussie battler......, yepp they will flog that dead horse a million times over. When realistically we have had 5 or more years of interest rate bliss.... Yet people want the best and the biggest and have this gimme, gimme mentality, and must live in a city and so mortgage themselves to the hilt without giving it a thought to what might happen in another 5 years when interest rates are almost doubled...
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Dec 23, 2007
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I bought my block for $7k five years ago. I intentionally don't own a $500k property with a $490k debt. Well mostly intentional as I couldn't afford a more expensive block. I opted for a cheap house and live within my means and have a nice two bedder, one bathroom and shed. All up less than $150k and I only earn $450 a week, less than a damn pensioner and I have to pay to get to work..... I'm not of the mindset that I need the best TV and the nicest lounge and what ever else people put on their GE Money Geenie cards.... Nope most of my furniture is second hand because I refuse to buy goods that I can not afford to pay for without booking it up.
I also have no sympathy for anyone who feels mortgage stress because they have to have the best house on the best street in the best suburb... People who complain they will never own sht me. Like you say Figjam suck it up, I say and work it out. Even on the disability pension you can own a house if you choose the right location.

The fact is there are so many people who are going to be in a world of pain in a few years time when interest rate go back up. Then we will hear how ruthless the banks are, hurting the poor Aussie battler......, yepp they will flog that dead horse a million times over. When realistically we have had 5 or more years of interest rate bliss.... Yet people want the best and the biggest and have this gimme, gimme mentality, and must live in a city and so mortgage themselves to the hilt without giving it a thought to what might happen in another 5 years when interest rates are almost doubled...
God a lot of people would love to have a house like yours.


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Dec 4, 2013
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I wonder if you guys have this issue that is killing the US Real Estate market.

Banks are using Mortgages and group them on Collateral Debt Obligations (CDOs) and bundle those up and call them Synthetic CDOs. What is doing is an inflated market with unrealistic values. Home owners are lured to take Home Equity Loans since the property is "increasing" on value. Then, sell the house to the next sucker, repeat what previous owners did and sell to the next sucker.

We do have pockets, specially on rural areas were the prices still reasonable at par with the local economy. Those places might end up unaffected or suffer the less.

Is the same or similar scenario in Auss?

Zeke Topanaga

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Oz, what the heck is this rubbish?

Marxist !!!
Oh boy, someone or a Nation has it better than another is that's a crime.
Australia was a **** hole when the Pommy bastards came here, but without them Australia would of been a 3rd world **** hole for a fact.
All the 3rd world Nations have a problem because their people are trash or stupid or it's due to being foolish, they reap what they sowed and our 1st world nations are on the path that leads to the same crap that the 3rd world suffers from.

In Australia we once had a policy to keep 3rd rate backward cultures out of the nation because such would be harmful to the future, they wanted a better life for their children not trashy morons who gamble like Asians do or are degenerates that are much like monkeys, such cultures are a pox that only drives the nation down to become 3rd world **** holes.

All the monkey nations people are trying to get out of their **** holes to come to the Western world, why is that ? they have created a **** hole and want to come over to our nations and live off the inheritance our forefathers gave us and we are a squandering generation that does not respect our forefathers hard work put into making what they created for us, only for it to be squandered by the likes of spoilt degenerate brats who can't see past their own nose and are indoctrinated by Marxist Satanist who are leading the whole world astray. The NWO is Communism MK 2 a extreme right wing capitalist madness in bed with the extreme left wing Communist, they are Satanist who do not care about people at all, but power over all the people to dominate totally so you will become their cattle.

The west once was a 3rd world you know but they worked together as a nation to progress, that's the key to a better greater nation and they reaped the fruits of their work.
The ones who were fools reaped what they sowed and that's the fact of the matter.
Just like anyone if you want to be a derelict you will become one.

There is nothing wrong with bringing in other people from backward nations but it has to be done correctly like a formula, you just don't blend in ingredients without any thought to the matter or it ends up a **** tasting cake that no one likes.

The Marxist peddle that no one is allowed to discriminate, why do they push such, it's because you are just like a cow to them and they have no interest in you but like that of a farmer, you have no rights and what rights they claim are in fact truly worthless.

To discriminate has to do with intelligence, when mixing a cake you want to be able to discriminate what is what or you end up with something like a 3rd world that no one wants.

At the end of the day **** = ****.
The bull **** that is feed by our media and the main political party's even the Church nowadays is just spinning total childish ****, they are in bed with f ing Islam for f sake the biggest murdering cu-ts in history along with the Communist and that's a fact.


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Dec 4, 2013
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What I have been hearing Zeke is to make all "nations" equal in the form of low wages, fighting for scraps. That only serves the world Oligarchs (TPP, NAFTA, etc..). Why you think George Soros Open Society foundation is all about. Tie all the world economies under one single currency (SDR) Governed by Technocrats like the EU and Corporations. You have to be blind or in denial for not to see it. Most people rather engaged in academia, debating on "politics" and stupid issues.

I hope the Iran Deal blows up to expose the real truth. A deal that was never signed and is huge money laundering operation. Has nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons bullshit. By drawing from the deal, sent the snakes running with the head on fire.

Follow the money and you will find answers.

Zeke Topanaga

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What I have been hearing Zeke is to make all "nations" equal in the form of low wages, fighting for scraps. That only serves the world Oligarchs (TPP, NAFTA, etc..). Why you think George Soros Open Society foundation is all about. Tie all the world economies under one single currency (SDR) Governed by Technocrats like the EU and Corporations. You have to be blind or in denial for not to see it. Most people rather engaged in academia, debating on "politics" and stupid issues.

I hope the Iran Deal blows up to expose the real truth. A deal that was never signed and is huge money laundering operation. Has nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons bullshit. By drawing from the deal, sent the snakes running with the head on fire.

Follow the money and you will find answers.
Well I agree you are correct in all that.

The Iran deal that Obama did is f ing criminally insane and all that cash just given to them ? what the f-ck ! Obama should been shot down for all that madness.
Obama did a lot of totally stupid foolish crap but got away with it all screwing USA over big time full on all the time.
How about the stupid deal with taking Australia's trash fake reffos, Trump was correct to say what the f-ck is this ! what a stupid deal and the media makes a mountain out of a mole hill, get the media to pay for it all and then we will see them do a arse about face on the subject, it's all good to stand off barking up the wrong tree when others are forking out for just total foolish rubbish.


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You didn't finish your post Zeke, you're meant to end with "rant over".... ;);)