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Queenslands Water Crisis!!


VY2 R8 Clubsport
Apr 25, 2005
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North Queensland
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VY2 R8 Clubsport
what do you get out of it? how bout this, everytime it floods up their they have it setup so that when it does, water filling the dams can be sent south to fill our dams, we get water you get rid of unwanted water, also it won't jst all be comming from your place, they were talking about hooking up all resivours and dams along the coast so at anytime those in need can get it.
honestly think its a great idea. if you don't then fine by me.

What would I know after all I am only a "FOOL" isn't that what you said.:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2005
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South Brisbane
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are you for real chappy?! you honestly stand but what you've been saying here?? i dont know where you get off talking crap - probably because your not face to face with someone and on a computer you can run you mouth without it getting smacked off - but you need a good kick in the head mate! what sort of childish bullsh*t you've been carrying on about..."what are we going to get out of it"...."we always get shafted"....
grow the hell up mate - what needs to be done will be done, if they impliment the pipeline then thousands and thousands of people will benifit from it and have the water they need. its not about who's going to profit from it financially, most of the water that falls up north gets washed back out to sea and wasted anyway....how is it going to affect anyone up there if the water is spread out to places that REALLY need it?
you cant say "it will deplete our supplies then" because the amount of rainfall that happens up north is rediculous, there's not going to be any shortage.
so lets get serious chappy, its not a friggen childish game here, start using your head and realise that what needs to be done will be - no matter what a couple of ignorant north queenslanders think about it.


VY2 R8 Clubsport
Apr 25, 2005
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North Queensland
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VY2 R8 Clubsport
are you for real chappy?! you honestly stand but what you've been saying here?? i dont know where you get off talking crap - probably because your not face to face with someone and on a computer you can run you mouth without it getting smacked off - but you need a good kick in the head mate! what sort of childish bullsh*t you've been carrying on about..."what are we going to get out of it"...."we always get shafted"....
grow the hell up mate - what needs to be done will be done, if they impliment the pipeline then thousands and thousands of people will benifit from it and have the water they need. its not about who's going to profit from it financially, most of the water that falls up north gets washed back out to sea and wasted anyway....how is it going to affect anyone up there if the water is spread out to places that REALLY need it?
you cant say "it will deplete our supplies then" because the amount of rainfall that happens up north is rediculous, there's not going to be any shortage.
so lets get serious chappy, its not a friggen childish game here, start using your head and realise that what needs to be done will be - no matter what a couple of ignorant north queenslanders think about it.

My my “sircruisealotVS “ those are violent words you are using, so you threaten me in a thread now doesn’t that tend to shoot yourself in the foot after all you are the one spruking off about hiding behind a computer keyboard.

In your mind you may think it will be done but I can assure you after attending a couple of regional water board meeting up here where we ignorant North Queensland’s live I don’t like your chances of it happen anywhere in the near future if ever, you see this is a very political topic up here and with all the farmers and residents there is a very big upheaval when it was suggested about a pipe line.

You see there is also water problem in the north except for a areas around where the big catchment’s dams are and by pumping water to the south would increase the risk of the north facing the same problems as the south so you see people are very hesitant to have this pipe scheme put in place.

Look at it this way if the north was to say to the south eastern corner hey guys how about giving us half your funding that you guys have allotted to build your new roads because we have bad roads up here would you say well heck yes take half our money for the next 20 years or more, its along the same principle.

And I don’t think its such a good idea making threats of violence against people in here when you have no idea of who your are threating as sometimes these threats can backfire, just something to think about “sircruisealotVS”



Aussie Muscle Fan
Feb 13, 2006
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VN Berlina 5.0 A4
you sir are a fool, the pipeline is a great idea, whats so bad about hooking up most of qld with water? the design i saw went down the coast line then out west to a few places who probably never see water. it should be implemented immediatly:ranting:

Or they could build water purification plants for a fraction of the cost to provide you with fresh water locally by recycling greywater. Oh wait, you wont drink it because of a bad mental image so you prefer the option that will give the same result for a far higher capital expenditure. Seems fairly childish really.


New Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Theres a place in the north af WA that has a very large supply of water... enough to feed the whole country.. pure too..

Lake Argyle has a normal capacity of over 10. 7 million cubic metres (18 times the volume of Sydney Harbour) and a surface area of 980 sq. km. In flood, the dam can hold nearly 35,000 million cubic metres and extends over an area of more than 2000 sq. km.

http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[email protected]!OpenDocument

I will not drink water that has been previously in a sewer. We have an inexpensive water purifer at home and purify our water.
If the QLD laws become a benchmark, the fools who vote for the governing bodies who pass the legislation can have the sewerage water of which they can proudly drink. I will import mine if i have to.
Nobody offers to install water saving devices in the home. IE gromets on taps and shower heads.
We are into power, efficiency and best bang for buck with our "performance cars'
but who has a water saving device in their home????


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2005
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South Brisbane
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VZ LS1 Calais
My my “sircruisealotVS “ those are violent words you are using, so you threaten me in a thread now doesn’t that tend to shoot yourself in the foot after all you are the one spruking off about hiding behind a computer keyboard.

In your mind you may think it will be done but I can assure you after attending a couple of regional water board meeting up here where we ignorant North Queensland’s live I don’t like your chances of it happen anywhere in the near future if ever, you see this is a very political topic up here and with all the farmers and residents there is a very big upheaval when it was suggested about a pipe line.

You see there is also water problem in the north except for a areas around where the big catchment’s dams are and by pumping water to the south would increase the risk of the north facing the same problems as the south so you see people are very hesitant to have this pipe scheme put in place.

Look at it this way if the north was to say to the south eastern corner hey guys how about giving us half your funding that you guys have allotted to build your new roads because we have bad roads up here would you say well heck yes take half our money for the next 20 years or more, its along the same principle.

And I don’t think its such a good idea making threats of violence against people in here when you have no idea of who your are threating as sometimes these threats can backfire, just something to think about “sircruisealotVS”


like i said - ignorant - go back to school and learn to read english effciently then maybe you'll grasp what i said. i never threatened you, i said "you need a good kick in the head" not "im going to kick you...", or any other sort of "threat" from my person to yours.
so before you go off half ****ed maybe you should be sure of what your saying, hmmm.
i also never said the pipeline WILL be done like you imply i did- i said what needs to be done will be, so if there comes a time when it is needed then it will be done...and some "regional water board" is not going to stand in the way if the pipeline is implimented.
it just goes to show how narrow minded you actually are for seeing this possibilty as a "bad thing"...with the pipeline in place water could be delivered effortlessly to the areas that need the water - shared around if you will.
so even the areas you mention to the north could be supplied, it is not just for the sake of the southern areas, its to help everyone.
crapping on about the roads and funding has nothing to do with any of this, its a stupid point and just shows how rediculous your being. the south-east has a bigger budget for roads because of the population, a fast growing one at that, with the amount of people who live here our infrastructure needs to be updated and the roads are a vital part of that.
if you can muster up a realistic argument against why the pipeline is a bad idea without running off on unrelated tangents or just plain having a winge about irrelivant nonsense then ill hear it.


Son of satan
Sep 7, 2005
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some where between heaven and hell
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VS 6/71 blown and injected 355 V6
Look at it this way if the north was to say to the south eastern corner hey guys how about giving us half your funding that you guys have allotted to build your new roads because we have bad roads up here would you say well heck yes take half our money for the next 20 years or more, its along the same principle.

And I don’t think its such a good idea making threats of violence against people in here when you have no idea of who your are threating as sometimes these threats can backfire, just something to think about “sircruisealotVS”


Its odvious you have not been here in a long time (south east corner) because I would say at least 75% of roads down here are in need of major repair but i forgot you banana monkeys up there think you deserve everything your own way because you think you are the only people supportingthis state with funds that was a long time ago,when you realise that most of our economy comes from mining or major companys S.E corner. You will never be able to understand i guess because as you said earlier you water your yard all day, odviously you dont work then do you. And what about your threat to sir cruise alot if you were so tuff you would have said who you were(you acuased him of hiding behind a key board but thats what your doing isnt it) instead trying to intimidate him your not worth listening to because you have nothing worth while to say.Did you know using a telecommunications device to intimadate or threaten personal injury is an offence under the telecommunications act and does have jail time as a manditory sentence, just thought you would like to know before you pull that move again. (my 2 cent) so your comments are a bit silly arent they.:bang:by the way have a nice day:rofl:
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New Member
Jul 15, 2006
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Ipswich. QLD
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Well I maybe well am a fool but I am not stupid if the pipeline was to ever be connected to the north’s water supplies it would deplete our water supplies then.

This great idea would sound great to you I am sure but to up here its just another way the south east corner to rape our recourses as it has over the years.

Tell me sir what do we get out of this great deal or do we get shafted once again.:bang:

Every time you turn the TV all you hear is how the south east corner is getting a new road a new bridge and so on when we cant get the major roads fixed up here, this maybe how chance to black mail the south east corner to pay for us up here for a change.

Its not good that the water supply is very low down your way but that’s something that should have been managed better buy the powers to be down your way in stead of the throwing money around so liberally they should have look at increasing your storage capacity or setting up water purification plants.

Anyway aside for all this I dough very much it will ever happen simply because of the cost and I know it’s a very hot talking point amongst the people up this way I am sure they wont stand by and let this happen.

Cheers and have a great day I got to go shift my hoses, watering the lawns again.


Someone has a huge axe to grind hey. Ill let you in on a little secret, the "powers that be down your way" are the SAME powers that run up your way, or did you forget we are part of the same state?


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
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VS S1 Executive V6
its obvious that politicians are just people too; they carry on in a similar way to some JC members!!!!