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Slandering Police


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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CG Captiva 5 Series 2
How is it that so many of the younger members of this forum have had an unfortunate experience with police whilst out driving?

Must be the cops, of course, they haven't got anything better to do than annoy the crap out of P platers and modified car drivers.

Naturally, it has nothing to do with the missing P plates, lowered suspension, burnouts, speeding, or any of the other things that have been admitted in this thread - it's just the cops being mongrels.

Another young girl died in NSW today from a collision involving an 18 year old P Plater skidding into a pole. Four P platers have been involved in fatal accidents in NSW in recent days. The P platers were at fault in every case.

Face it, all of you. P Platers have a bloody attrocious record, regardless of which state they live in. People, and that includes the cops, don't want them getting killed. Cops expecially don't want to be attending fatal accidents, then tidying up afterwards and delivering death messages to families.

If you get pulled over, for RBT or any other reason, quit whinging - there is quite possibly a genuine reason for it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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How is it that so many of the younger members of this forum have had an unfortunate experience with police whilst out driving?

Must be the cops, of course, they haven't got anything better to do than annoy the crap out of P platers and modified car drivers.

Naturally, it has nothing to do with the missing P plates, lowered suspension, burnouts, speeding, or any of the other things that have been admitted in this thread - it's just the cops being mongrels.

Another young girl died in NSW today from a collision involving an 18 year old P Plater skidding into a pole. Four P platers have been involved in fatal accidents in NSW in recent days. The P platers were at fault in every case.

Face it, all of you. P Platers have a bloody attrocious record, regardless of which state they live in. People, and that includes the cops, don't want them getting killed. Cops expecially don't want to be attending fatal accidents, then tidying up afterwards and delivering death messages to families.

If you get pulled over, for RBT or any other reason, quit whinging - there is quite possibly a genuine reason for it.

At least im not the only one who has noticed this. It seems to be everyone elses fault except the person who is actually in the wrong.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
How is it that so many of the younger members of this forum have had an unfortunate experience with police whilst out driving?

Must be the cops, of course, they haven't got anything better to do than annoy the crap out of P platers and modified car drivers.

Naturally, it has nothing to do with the missing P plates, lowered suspension, burnouts, speeding, or any of the other things that have been admitted in this thread - it's just the cops being mongrels.

Another young girl died in NSW today from a collision involving an 18 year old P Plater skidding into a pole. Four P platers have been involved in fatal accidents in NSW in recent days. The P platers were at fault in every case.

Face it, all of you. P Platers have a bloody attrocious record, regardless of which state they live in. People, and that includes the cops, don't want them getting killed. Cops expecially don't want to be attending fatal accidents, then tidying up afterwards and delivering death messages to families.

If you get pulled over, for RBT or any other reason, quit whinging - there is quite possibly a genuine reason for it.

But is fining them and defecting them saving their life? No, it just costs them money. Better driver education is the answer!

Yes, theres a genuine reason, your displaying P plates. I'm pretty sure thats 100% of the reason why people have been fined for no P plates, trying not to draw attention to themselves.

Its fine tho, i understand you being on the other side of the fine you have a different perspective of it! Unfortunately, its not one thats working (other than filling the governments pockets)


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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CG Captiva 5 Series 2
But is fining them and defecting them saving their life? No, it just costs them money. Better driver education is the answer!

Yes, theres a genuine reason, your displaying P plates. I'm pretty sure thats 100% of the reason why people have been fined for no P plates, trying not to draw attention to themselves.

Its fine tho, i understand you being on the other side of the fine you have a different perspective of it! Unfortunately, its not one thats working (other than filling the governments pockets)

Better education is fine if it prevents the transgression from occurring in the first place, but what do you do when the transgression has already taken place? Just say "Naughty, Naughty, don't do that again." and send you on your way?

The idea of fines (and I hate them as much as anybody) is to impose a penalty that you will feel, for doing the wrong thing in the first place. It is "supposed" to act as a deterrent, to prevent you from doing it again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
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I my whole time driving (7 years) I have never been pulled over (going through rbts dont count but i get waved through 90%) for no reason. Whenever i've been pulled over i have been in the wrong.
From my experience cops dont pull you over unless theres a reason


moderator- for now anyway
Mar 27, 2004
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Western Sydney, NSW
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Blown VT Calais 355 + SC VY V6
If everyone is so bloody adament that it is not their driving style, not their defective car and not the dodgy places they hang out in that gets the cops attention and its just the p plates that gets the coppers attention answer is pretty ****ing simple....

Take off your p-plates, don't ever display them, you will never get pulled over because you are all angels. Sure you will risk losing points and get fined if you get caught but if you have no plates then working with this popular p plate conspiracy theory chances are no plates means 0% chance of getting pulled over. ;)

I have full respect for the men and women of our police force, and all the other emergency services, the **** they have to deal with I wouldn't want to do in my worst nightmares.


Because i can
Apr 28, 2005
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South East,Victoria
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VE SV6 Series 2
I used to think that the cops had nothing better to do than pick on "P" platers .I was forever getting pulled over when i was on my P's . I had my cars defected more times than i care to remember.
My old HR was so low that its a wonder that my number plate didn't have scrape marks on it . My GTR XU1 had a tunnel rammed V8 under the hood with a big letterbox scoop, rims that stuck out from under the guards a couple of inches and windows so dark that you couldn't see out of them at night .
Now i'm in my early 50's i look back and realise i got defected cos i deserved them .
So all you guys that think you are being picked on unfairly, take a couple of pics of your cars then pull them out in say 20 or 30 years time and you will see what i mean .


New Member
Oct 31, 2008
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I have had some good and bad experiences with the police. Had a shocking experience when they totally screwed up the investigation of a burglary at my fathers house and in the end it was pure luck that they caught the ****ers. (He turned up dead - was "featured" in a drama series that got banned in Melbourne). They could have solved it very quickly but took too long to follow up some blatanty obvious avenues of enquiry (3+ weeks when it should have been done within a day or so).

The last "good" experience was when they caught a group of kids who graffitied and tried to steal a car in my street. Very quick and intuitive action that was a credit to the officers involved.


Being a police officer, I can respond to this. In my area alone there are approx 30 burglaries a week, sometimes you can get 10 in a night. Now accompany that with 3 to 4 assault cases a week, 7 to 8 stealings, 1 or 2 frauds, a couple of unlawful woundings, breach of restraining orders, reports to write, court briefs to compile, interviews to conduct, case files to compile.

The list goes on and on. If I had just your burglary to contend with then yes I could most probably have completed the investigation in a night but it would not have been a conclusive investigation which you the public expects from your Police Service.

We have a very stressful job and at times I do ask myself the question "Why do I do it?.

As with any job, you take the good with the bad

Time for my 2 cents. last night i pulled out without indercating the cops pulled me over gave me a warning and told me not to do it again well that was fair enough i understand all that but then while one police man was writing it out there other offercer went and opened my bonnet and started to look at my engine he first looked at the battery it wasnt screwed in tight enough so he defected me for that and then there was old oil spilt on the engine from the previous ownor so he defected me for that to so now i have to go over the pits before i can get it on the road again, you could tell they did that to get me off the road now i dont understand why they couldnt give me a warning about it it was just a need to tighen the screw for the batttery and clean the old oil spil from the top of the engine BIG DEAL i could of fixed that the next day now im out of a car for couple of months waiting for it to be checked, There is no need for it to be like that for such a minnor thing they should worry about the real crimanals rather then defect little p platers.

Traffic cops deal with traffic, Detectives deal with serious crime, general duties cops deal with general duties, Forensic deal with Forensic, Air wing deal with Flying........... get the picture.

Yea, you can do that, but any idoit can read ranks when they're written, when you read their slides (as long as they see you read the slide) and call them by their rank they know you know your stuff or at least someone in the force. Gives them the idea you'll fight whatever they throw at you, so your not worth the paperwork.

What paper work are you referring to. Its just another brief, a statement and see you in court. I still get paid to go to court and its a day in the office
off the road.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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2017 SSV Redline
If everyone is so bloody adament that it is not their driving style, not their defective car and not the dodgy places they hang out in that gets the cops attention and its just the p plates that gets the coppers attention answer is pretty ****ing simple....

Take off your p-plates, don't ever display them, you will never get pulled over because you are all angels. Sure you will risk losing points and get fined if you get caught but if you have no plates then working with this popular p plate conspiracy theory chances are no plates means 0% chance of getting pulled over. ;)

I have full respect for the men and women of our police force, and all the other emergency services, the **** they have to deal with I wouldn't want to do in my worst nightmares.

HAHAHAH, well said Jules, if it is only the police doing it for the sake of it, then without P Plates they won't get done.

Clearly we know this is bull**** though because many have admitted to not displaying p plates and received fines. So really, what were they doing to atrract the attention...makes you wonder.


So Wet For You!
Jan 3, 2005
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SA - The Roadworks State
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VP Calais International, FPV, Audi
I drove my wagon for a little over a year without ever getting looked at. The difference between that and my VL, is the fact i had P plates on the VL. It wasn't modded, only had a stereo, and no, i didn't have the doof doof cranked and my arm hanging out the window.
I recently borrowed this same VL after i sold it to my sister, and the same effect, not on P's, no attention!

In my experience, thats what the case has been. My driving still isn't different now, but no p plates. When i did have P plates on the international, i was pulled over every other week.

Yeah, it really is just a far fetched idea that young people make up!