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Standard features left out + Gripes.


Sep 3, 2007
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VY S Sedan
The fact the std cd player doesnt play mp3s is the biggest pisoff for me. Especialy since my previous sv6 ve had the six stacker. Yes you have aux input, but then its a pain to connect up my phone to it every time i get in the car, and get an ipod, well u still gotta charge the thing somehow all the time. Yes can get car chargers, but still what pain. And thats not forgetting if u want to go to the next song, u have to take your eyes off the road, squint down at the small screen and try and find the song u want.

plus the sound quality is very average for a billion dollar investment. my old ladies 95 camery with a casette player sounds twice as good, and some nice bass. And yes i have taken out the center speaker in the VE, which isnt even worth a paper weight!

Then on top off all this, they make it next to imposible to install your own deq.
honestly, in todays world how much more would it have cost to make the stock cd player play mp3s? $5? What a joke imo

I like my music, especialy on a nice sunny sunday morning, this just dissapoints me on an otherwise generaly nice car.

Exactly,and the stupid thing is that the six stacker plays MP3s.Mp3s would be much more important on a single than a six stacker.
Better still,why not put a player in it that plays MP3 from a DVD like my Pioneer.
Crappy el-cheapo standard headunits give me the shits,especially when it's so hard to change them for something you want.
It is my opinion that car makers should leave a double din hole in the dash and you get your own head unit.None of this bullshit can-bus communication to a headunit that even the dumbest car theif would never want to steal.