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the fuel efficiency of a 06 vz Thunder SS L98


Obviously Unsensible
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Members Ride
2000 Vs Ute
Just to extend the info a bit more.
Mines a manual, just with extractors, exhaust (twin 2.5) and tune.
I'll often do some longer highway drives (including one where the average over 5hrs is bang on 100 due to alot of it being 110) and I'll get around high 9s or 10/100
Did a trek the other weekend which had alot of 80kmh roads and cruising got into the mid 8s.
Drove it for work occasionally, average speeds probably around 35-40kmh and I'd get mid 12s.

Alot of it can come down to how you drive it and the tune it may have. I'd generally try to keep it rolling where possible and honestly it wouldn't get up in the revs often (2500 changes).
Or as a comparison my current drive to work sees a 1L/100 difference depending on the direction as 1 way is slightly uphill for the most part, the roads themselves can make a difference. If I took it to work tomorrow I'd get 9/100 there and 10/100 home
But again, each scenario is different.