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VS V6 Ecotec Cranks But Will Not Start When Cold


New Member
Jan 26, 2012
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VX Calais
Hi everyone,

I have a VS Equipe V6 Ecotec which for the past few months has had difficulty in starting when cold. Sometimes the car will crank 10 times before it will fire but this morning it failed to start despite numerous attempts to crank it over.

A very good friend of mine checked the car's computer for error codes but the only thing showing was a fault with the crank angle sensor which he said is just a common error code that can be ignored. Besides, my understanding is that the CAS only causes issues when the engine is hot and the quick fix is to pour cold water over it to get you out of trouble until it can be replaced. I don't think this is a CAS issue as the cranking issue only happens when the car is cold.

The car sat at home all day today and when I got home and tried to start it, she fired first go and every successive start attempt. Now, when the car is hot or cold, the fuel pump can be heard operating and then shuts off a few seconds after the ignition is turned on, as per normal. This morning when I tried to start the car, the fuel pump was still operating for about 10 seconds after failed cranking.

Is there a diaphragm in the pump that could be damaged causing the pump to run longer due to insufficient pressure? I have a new BOSCH fuel pump here just in case it is the problem.

Once the car is running, it won't stop, even after a long drive. It just seems to be a problem when it's cold.

Has anyone come across the same issue with their VS? Would be grateful for any tips or advice.



Dec 20, 2013
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Brisbane QLD
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VZ Executive - VF SS
Hi everyone,

I have a VS Equipe V6 Ecotec which for the past few months has had difficulty in starting when cold. Sometimes the car will crank 10 times before it will fire but this morning it failed to start despite numerous attempts to crank it over.

A very good friend of mine checked the car's computer for error codes but the only thing showing was a fault with the crank angle sensor which he said is just a common error code that can be ignored. Besides, my understanding is that the CAS only causes issues when the engine is hot and the quick fix is to pour cold water over it to get you out of trouble until it can be replaced. I don't think this is a CAS issue as the cranking issue only happens when the car is cold.

The car sat at home all day today and when I got home and tried to start it, she fired first go and every successive start attempt. Now, when the car is hot or cold, the fuel pump can be heard operating and then shuts off a few seconds after the ignition is turned on, as per normal. This morning when I tried to start the car, the fuel pump was still operating for about 10 seconds after failed cranking.

Is there a diaphragm in the pump that could be damaged causing the pump to run longer due to insufficient pressure? I have a new BOSCH fuel pump here just in case it is the problem.

Once the car is running, it won't stop, even after a long drive. It just seems to be a problem when it's cold.

Has anyone come across the same issue with their VS? Would be grateful for any tips or advice.


I struggle to believe the weather in the mids of summer has a part to play?
however, remove your plugs and have a look to see if there is any build-up, check air filter, sensors, vacuum hoses etc...

A quick google search also found this:

Dirty Intake ValvesAnother common cause of a hard cold start, or poor running while cold is dirty intake valves. Over time intake valves become coated in a black gooey substance. Generally it will be worse if you let your air filter get dirty, and if you use lower grade fuel. This black gooey substance causes two problems, it soaks up fuel, and causes intake valves to stick. Both problems cause all sorts of havoc on a cold engine. The extra fuel the computer is trying to send to the cylinders is absorbed by the goo, thus robing the cylinders of the cold start enrichment they need. Also, when valves stick, it just isn’t good.You can toss a bottle of BG’s 44K in the gas tank, and suck a bottle of decarb through a vacuum line. These two quick fixes may be all you need. A full blown injector purge may be the ticket. However, I have often seen valves so dirty that you have to remove the intake manifold and manually clean them. So, if you find a vacuum leak at the intake manifold gasket, remove the manifold, replace the gasket, but also go in the and clean those intake valves.Lastly, and particularly on certain Hondas, you may have a problem with valve clearance. Yank the valve cover off and do a quick valve adjustment. I’ve seen several Hondas have the exhaust valves too tight. These cars would die when coming to a stop while cold, but run perfectly when warm. Re-set the valve clearance and the problem vanishes.Those are your main causes of cold start enrichment failure. I suppose a fuel pump could be weak, and not be able to deliver enough fuel. Or a fuel pressure regulator could be going out. Generally speaking, any other cause of poor running/a hard start cold would also cause problems while the engine was warm.


A Memcal a Day Keeps..
Jan 12, 2005
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VS V6 Berlina Auto
A very good friend of mine checked the car's computer for error codes but the only thing showing was a fault with the crank angle sensor which he said is just a common error code that can be ignored.

lol, the CAS only sends the crank signal that runs everything, from spark to fuel pulse. it's a magnetic based sensor, it'l wear out, be erratic and sometimes not work at all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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It's even throwing a code for the CAS. No codes should be ignored. Definitely replace it before you bother trying anything else.


May 14, 2013
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Perth WA
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BMW 535D, VR V6 Ute
like the others said - crank angle sensor IS important. its probably the most important as the car wont run without it. Fuel pump operation sounds normal