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warranty expires soon, here is my story...


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Sep 1, 2023
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ZB Commodore RS V6
Decided i'd take my ZB RS V6 (75,000km on the clock) to the [formerly known as] Holden Service Centre near me for a final service before the warranty drops dead (i think the warranty expires in Nov 2023) And thank f*#k I did....
When I dropped the car off I let them know about a couple of issues that I noticed with the car, I'll list them below along with the outcome (in orange) so far...

But before I do I must give a big thanks to the forum as all my issues had been covered by some1 in a previous post, and the knowledge shared is truly appreciated.

Issue #1 - 'Blind Spot Detection Fault' appears intermittently on start-up (couple of times per week). - they haven't been able to work this one out as the fault hasn't appeared while the service was being carried out :rolleyes:

Issue #2 - Engine Temp Gauge on dash stops reading (indicates 0°c ) which causes the cooling fan to come on and stay on after engine is turned off (this happens maybe once per week, if that). The fan does switch itself off after a minute or two but the temp gauge remains dead until I disconnect/reconnect the battery negative to reset it. - Holden service guys say this is a know issue with the thermostat and ordered in the parts to fix it (under warranty of course)

Issue #3 - Under hard acceleration I had noticed a 'hissing' sound coming from lower rear of the car. Sounded like a leak in the exhaust. - they found the noise was coming from the rear diff, needs a seal replacement. Parts ordered and covered under warranty

Issue #4 - Noticed a grinding/rubbing noise/vibration coming from what felt like the lower rear, felt like something to do with the drivetrain but was hard to tell. It was more pronounced when cold, at low speed and when turning. (I'm sure you have guessed what it might be #reardiffclub) - they diagnosed this as a combo of tire noise (recent new tires) and bad rear bushes that need replacement. parts ordered and covered under warranty.

So I picked the car up after the service was done and was told the parts should come in by the end of the week and to bring the car back then. It was at this point when I started researching the rear diff seal as I thought it was unusual for any issues to be popping up this early in its life. And when i read all the posts about the diff problems my heart sank, the warranty is going to expire very soon and Holden are going to try patch up my diff just to get it past the warranty end and leave me with a diff that is a ticking time bomb just waiting to empty my bank account :eek:
End of the week comes and I drop the car off at Holden as the parts have arrived. I highlight to the guys that the noise/vibration in the rear has been getting worse and they say they'll call when its ready.
That afternoon Holden Service Centre calls (I'm expecting the car is ready for pickup) and informs me that all the parts have been fixed BUT.... while the technician was replacing the rear diff seal he noticed the issue is much more extensive than just the seal and that the entire diff requires replacement!!! and this will be covered under warranty!!!
WOOHOOO i thought to myself, there are still some good, honest mechanics left in this world.
So the car is currently waiting for a new diff to come in from GM and should be ready next week.

So the moral of the story..... Take your 2018 ZB's (5yr warranty) to Holden for a service before the warranty expires, and make sure you tell them EVERYTHING that you feel is quite right about your car. If you don't tell the mechanics something is wrong/different/doesn't feel quite right then they wont look at it!


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Sep 1, 2023
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ZB Commodore RS V6
Well next week turned into 3 weeks, but I'm happy to say I finally picked up the car just yesterday!!!
The new diff has been installed (after it taking weeks for Holden to approve warranty replacement - tight asses) and the car feels great to drive again.


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You are in a similar situation to us - have a read of my thread that I posted about our ZB just coming out of warranty.....
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