New Member
Hey boys have a prob with my VCM OTR SSV due to the flooding in melb water has entered my otr and in the engine car stalled and didnt start i was going slowly but cars coming the opposite way were spraying a huge amounts of water on my car was very suprised this happend but got it towed home and there was water in my CAI :ranting:
Was wondering insurance will cover me but i need to put my stock airbox in. Now the radiator with the vcm has been slightly pushed back to allow the otr 2 sit nicely i have the 2 rubber pieces that were originally supporting the radiator is it as simply as unscrewing the top 2 screws and pushing the raditor forward and then putting the 2 original rubbers on top of the radiator or more intense.
Thx Mary
Sorry if its vague but ppl with VCM OTR will understand
Was wondering insurance will cover me but i need to put my stock airbox in. Now the radiator with the vcm has been slightly pushed back to allow the otr 2 sit nicely i have the 2 rubber pieces that were originally supporting the radiator is it as simply as unscrewing the top 2 screws and pushing the raditor forward and then putting the 2 original rubbers on top of the radiator or more intense.
Thx Mary
Sorry if its vague but ppl with VCM OTR will understand