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I just bought my local take away shop.


We should have sushi Carol
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Turned up at the shop at 5am thismorning and had a chinese employee tell me I have no right to be in the shop thinking the old owner was still in charge! Well to his surprise he found himself fired and out of a job. Damned idiot.

So you fired him because he wasn't aware you are the new owner? Good luck with this business, with your attitude you will need it in this line of work.


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May 23, 2012
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So you fired him because he wasn't aware you are the new owner? Good luck with this business, with your attitude you will need it in this line of work.

No, he was well aware of who I was. He allong with all the other employees where there when I bought the shop, and they were all told directly that I am now the owner and there new employer, he was a smart ass and had a grudge as he prefered his old boss and thats just too bad. And ill fire any smart arses at will thank you.


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you have 1.5 million in spare cash??

Its a long story that I dont share often, but may as well. My parents owned and operated several Mcdonalds stores through the 90s, and were rather succsesfull you could say. They both died in a car accident on the freeway coming home from a meeting when I was 13, my mother died instantly and my father was in a coma and passed away a week later. They believed he was over tired and fell asleep at the wheel and hit a guard rail.

So I inherited the majority of what they had. Since then(Im 21 this september) I've bummed around as a depressed wreck wondering what to do with myself. I've been carefull enough not to blow all the cash stupidly, so most of the money was put away into a trust fund and savings accounts.

So this little store is my first step to following my parents foot steps, and hopefully if im carefull enough that I can build on what I have and not go down the gurgler. Once I have a decent amount of experience running a buisness I'll invest in somethin big, untill then this is enough as I have no experience what so ever operating a shop. Hopefully after 5 years or so what I have a bit of an idea of what im doing I'll be ready.

So theres my story in a nutshell, you could say, but id still rather have my parents around then there money.


We should have sushi Carol
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he was a smart ass and had a grudge as he prefered his old boss and thats just too bad.

Of course the other option was to sit down and chat with him, acknowledge the change is a difficult time but you need his experience as you know nothing about running a fish and chip shop.

In all honesty you are not going to make a good employer coming in boots first and acting like an ass. Recognise this is a time of change and people don't like change. You actually need these people so stop being an arrogant so and so and realise you know nothing and knowledge is power. You just took your first step to failure. You have puffed up your chest and think you are the boss and are going to wield supreme power and command respect through fear. Seriously you need to have a big think about the ramifications of how you treat people you potentially need.

A business comes with goodwill and if word gets out how you acted this morning you could suddenly find your business short on patronage.

This reminds me of you right now strutting around without considering your environment first.

All I am asking is you take a deep breath and think before you act so you don't fail.

A business owner decides to take a tour around his business and see how things are going. He goes down to the shipping docks and sees a young man leaning against the wall doing nothing. The owner walks up to the young man and says, "Son, how much do you make a day?"

The guy replies, "150 dollars."

The owner pulls out his wallet, gives him $150, and tells him to get out and never come back.

A few minutes later, the shipping clerk asks the owner, "Have you seen the UPS driver?? I asked him to wait here for me!"


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May 23, 2012
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Of course the other option was to sit down and chat with him, acknowledge the change is a difficult time but you need his experience as you know nothing about running a fish and chip shop.

In all honesty you are not going to make a good employer coming in boots first and acting like an ass. Recognise this is a time of change and people don't like change. You actually need these people so stop being an arrogant so and so and realise you know nothing and knowledge is power. You just took your first step to failure. You have puffed up your chest and think you are the boss and are going to wield supreme power and command respect through fear. Seriously you need to have a big think about the ramifications of how you treat people you potentially need.

A business comes with goodwill and if word gets out how you acted this morning you could suddenly find your business short on patronage.

This reminds me of you right now strutting around without considering your environment first.

All I am asking is you take a deep breath and think before you act so you don't fail.

Sure that would have been all well and fine if he didnt start yelling in my face and curse at me telling me to get ####ed in his exact words. Fair is fair, if an employee wants to get verbally abusive towards there employer unprovoked than anyone would fire them. How do I know he wouldnt abuse a customer who had a complaint? Especially if he was willing to abuse me simply because he didnt like me very much.

You think if you were working at woolworths as a shelf packer, and because you didnt like the boss very much you went up to them, got right up into there face and yelled at them telling them to get ####ed and that you wouldnt get fired on the spot?

Being a bit rude, grumpy whatever is fine and could be resolved with a good conversation. Getting verbally abused to the point that I could have taken out an AVO him, is not fine and there is only one option, they are not worth $20.20 an hour for that.


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May 23, 2012
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And I didnt provoke him, I simply asked him to open the shop and put out the sign on the pavement. Thats his job to do. Didnt be rude to him or anything. Istead of do what was asked he turned around and snapped.


We should have sushi Carol
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, if an employee wants to get verbally abusive towards there employer unprovoked than anyone would fire them.

That is the difference between you and I as I wouldn't have fired him on the spot without attempting to discover the reason for the outburst.


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May 23, 2012
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That is the difference between you and I as I wouldn't have fired him on the spot without attempting to discover the reason for the outburst.

Thats fine, everyone will run there buisnesses differently. Me presonally, I see people who act like that unprovoked as a dead end street, and i cant really see them being worth my time trying to sort it out. I wouldnt want to risk them putting on a scene infront of customers ect. So that was that, I replaced him with a lady whos kids have left school and she needs a job, so far shes doing great and is doing way more work in the shop than any of the other employees.