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  1. X

    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    not a lot of effort just on paint to give some idea as to wat it may look like?? tell me wat yous think :)
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    how bout these rims, 20s how bout these ones for the sv6???
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    see thats what i need to figure out, the colour to match the car... and if i go 22s wouldnt it scrape, with extremely low suspensions??
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    VE SV6 lowering??

    well to be honest i dont know exactly what they are doing, i told them i wanna lower my car they said they can do it, so i dont really know what the go is... thing is with this car, im buyin it brand new, so i figured, might let holden do wateva to it themselves, and pay the extra money, but if...
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    VE SV6 lowering??

    hey guys im looking to lower my sv6 a bit, just wanted to know people experience with this, and how much they think is ideal to lower the car. also i got quoted $1300, by holden, for them to do it, and its a new car, so my warrantly wont be void, is that a good price range?? thanx
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    well guys thank you all for your input, i have looked at all the rims you guys put up, and some of them are very nice!! though i have to say, i gotta hold back on the rims, as i added the option of leather seats with protection for the seats and paint, which set me back a good $3k... now rims...
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    nice ride!!! i like the rims, but not exactly what im looking for, i want something thats more full, so to say, if that makes sense lol
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    hey mate appreciate the comment :) i hope to sell the standards but i dnt think i have the option anytime soon :(
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    New VE SV6 II... opinion on wheel size and style

    hey guys im new to this whole website although i been following some people with their progress and got a fair amount of info, i am buying a new car so i though i'd join up. anyways, im getting the MY11 VE SV6 II, and i cant for the life of me decide on the size and style of the wheels...