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  1. V

    changing remote keypads over??

    on a vz,does the remote have to be programmed by holden or can the car learn it itself??
  2. Nato B

    VS Key Problem

    Hey im in the process of purchasing a VS Vacationer... Now the old owner has told me that the main set of keys will unclock/start the car perfectly.. whereas the spare set will only unlock the car.. wont actually start it? any ideas as to what the problem is so i can sort it out straight away...
  3. VRV6BT1

    installing power boot release.

    G'day, Just got a 1 button key off ebay with boot release button. Can I install the boot release mechanism into my car and have it work withour too much hassle. It appears the wiring is there, will I need a new bcm? Is this feasable? Cheers eh.
  4. D

    Keyless Entry Agian

    Allo All, I'm trying to work out if my keyless entry is not working because of the KEY or the car's reciever unit. The keyless entry stopped working a couple of yrs ago but I can still use the same key to start the car. Re Battery? Here's the question; Does the car key battery die in...