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  1. henrytad

    oil service

    recently in my vz i got the message to service the oil, i did it myself instead of going to holden to pay heaps more. then i reset the service reminder myself, i just wanted to check that if the oil went low again or needed service, would it flash a reminder?
  2. M

    oil leak, urgent,

    a friend of mines vs has been taken to the same mechanic's twice to fix an oil leak, being charged roughly $600 all up, last night, (after it was supposedly) fixed on friday, the oil light came up, pulled over to the side of the road, and filled it up, drove about 20 k's and the engine started...
  3. clarmatt

    Best engine oil??

    what do you think would be the best engine oil for my 96' VS V6??
  4. S

    Fitting elec oil pressure gauge??

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone has done this? Is there somewhere convenient to fit the sender? Like a T piece or is there a sandwich plate available to take a sender between the block and filter or something? This is for a VT series 1 V6 btw. Thanks all.
  5. P

    transmission filter o-ring issue

    hey guys, today i dropped the transmission fluid for the first time (for me) and everything was going smoothly until i removed the transmission oil filter. the O ring on the end of the filter is stuck up inside the intake port. has anyone got any clue on how to get it out? i've tried the...