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Help! VS Calais acts like starving for fuel in first gear and Drive first gear!


May 26, 2014
Reaction score
adelaide northern burbs
Members Ride
vs calais
Ok I think I worded it wrong, I don't want to fix the over heating, that is not the problem right now, the problem is my car acts like it's running out of fuel, and the overheating was my theory, also, I have rechecked the plugs and have changed leads with my spare set that I have just incase, i have also removed the engine and had it on an engine stand, and went over it completely, I went over my hoses, absolutely everything and there is no leaks anywhere, like I said my car is my baby, and I'm very cluey with this stuff, as I've been rebuilding and installing engines since I was little, so I only ask for help once I have tried everything haha

No probs, that clears that up, I was hinting at the intake manifold gasket but proper diagnostics is probably the go to avoid wasting cash trying to find it.