yeah as a daily I won't be doing anything else to it besides maintaining it and keeping it clean.
I didn't get around to trying the eleanors on the wk this weekend gone but I defiantly will this one coming. if I like them on the WK I will swap them over, my main concern is of course how high it will sit on 19's but the whole rolling diameter shouldn't be too far off what it is now. the eleanors also need 2 new tyers, 2 of them are badly camber worn because of the lack of adjustment in the back end of the VR IRS setup without a camber kit. I'll probably just chuck the WK rims on the VR. all things considered the VR really isn't that bad as a daily, petrol wise I get close to 700k's a tank and driving to work and back I usually get away with filling it every second week. that and it's comfortable and big too. I might even swap the the springs if they are suitable, the old springs from the VR went into my brother's vt calais.
I can easily afford 2 cars it's just that insurance is a killer for me (being 22 and on my p's)
when you find the forby that's for you, what (if any) mods have you got in mind?