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What do you think is wrong with the world?


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Jan 22, 2007
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OHS......I had a moron come to my work place, trying to teach me the correct ways to do this that and the other, including the weight I can lift on my own without assistance.....He asked what sort of long term injuries could come about from my line of work.

I began rattling off the complete list of injuries that can occur, he stood there stunned....When I mentioned industrial deafness, he tried to argue that it doesn't occur...He eventually shut up, when I produced recent results of a hearing test, from a Gov't agency, that specialises in this field, showing I suffer from exactly that.

My next target was weight......He claimed I could only lift 25 kg's without asking for assistance.....When I pointed out that I was a service fitter and truck drivers aren't permitted touch their wheels, due to their OH&S requirements, he soon shut his mouth and found the front door quickly.

So I put this OH&S stuff as a way for people to justify their jobs, because the majority have no idea what happens in the real world.

I laugh quite heartily whenever I'm made to run through WHS thinking it's common sense.

Then I hear about all the idiots in our warehouses losing limbs, cutting open their faces and flatout dying just because they did something stupid.

The real problem isn't the WHS crap - it's idiots as always, idiots and you can talk to them until you are blue in the face and they will still be idiots and do stupid things and then they will still fail to see their problem.

VS 5.0

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^^^ The idiots are the only reason OHS exists at all. Imagine the unemployment if all the idiots disappeared.

VS 5.0

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This is probably slanted towards the US to some degree but still applies here -

If you had $1 billion and you stood on a street corner handing out $1 per second, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, you would still not have handed out $1 billion after 32 years!!

BIG number! This is how to explain it:

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one adverting agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

One billion seconds ago it was 1959.
One billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
One billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
One billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
One billion Dollars ago was only 13 hours and 12 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

Stamp Duty
Tobacco Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Income Tax
Council Tax
Unemployment Tax
Fishing Licence Tax
Petrol/Diesel Tax
Inheritance Tax
(tax on top of tax)
Alcohol Tax
Property Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Vehicle Licence / Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Carbon Dioxide Tax

How many of these taxes existed 60 years ago ?

Mum stayed home to raise the kids,
Dad and teachers were allowed to discipline kids.

A criminal’s life was uncomfortable.
Boat people were kids sailing on the harbour.

What the hell happened?

'Political Correctness', ‘Politicians or both?'

Disclaimer - I haven't checked the numbers.....feel free to do so in your spare time.
Oct 15, 2013
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ya mum!
Figures being accurate in that is irrelevant. It's the sentiment that counts, and it's spot on!


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Sep 8, 2015
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How many of these taxes existed 60 years ago ?

To be fair, 60 years ago the population of Australia was 9.5mil roughly. Today it is 23mil roughly. With that big of a population growth, services obviously need more funding...

My favourite one recently, and I hate to admit it, but Katter - "A country that generates 200,000 jobs a year and has got over 200,000 school leavers cannot afford to bring 650,000 people per year into the Australian economy."

I'm seeing a lot of growth, not a lot of jobs!


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Jan 22, 2007
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To be fair, 60 years ago the population of Australia was 9.5mil roughly. Today it is 23mil roughly. With that big of a population growth, services obviously need more funding...

My favourite one recently, and I hate to admit it, but Katter - "A country that generates 200,000 jobs a year and has got over 200,000 school leavers cannot afford to bring 650,000 people per year into the Australian economy."

I'm seeing a lot of growth, not a lot of jobs!

no one said the jobs had to be domestic did they?

vc commodore

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^^^ The idiots are the only reason OHS exists at all. Imagine the unemployment if all the idiots disappeared.

Yes, it's true there are plenty of idiots in the workplace, requiring OHS, but when you have OHS officers that have no idea how things work in a particular field, that goes to show how they try and justify their job. So it compounds the idiot factor

vc commodore

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I have a next door neighbour who has 2 elder Maltese terriers & 2 younger ones. All they do is bark at any movement. My mother who has dementia is scared to go out the back veranda cos of these dogs. Everytime I go out the back to do either pool maintenance or have a ciggy on the back veranda they just keep barking until I go back inside. I've had the council on them with no luck. After the council asked me to keep a diary (8 pages long over a one month period) over these stupid dogs, they say there's not enough evidence. The owners treat them like lounge room princesses & never exercise as they are bored. I've owned dogs & trained dogs but these crappy little mopheads drive me nuts. I hate how people buy dogs just for the sake of having one.

Another bad part is that one of the neighbours who owns the dog is an anti smoker. Every time I'm on the veranda having a ciggy, she comes out, starts fake coughing & rants on about pollution. Her veranda is 25m away from mine. The amount of cursing I do at her would fill a swear jar. I wonder how she goes in public when people are smoking in the streets? I'm considerate to those who smoke but this woman drives me insane with her crap.

My comments about people that whinge about me smoking is, I pay for my hospital care, via these smokes, so shut up and find something else to whinge about


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May 14, 2013
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Channel 9 news report tonight ....... Three million dogs in the USA (dish lickers) are on anti depressant pills for anxiety because their owners leave them at home while they are at work.
FFS ! ! ! Don't know what to think of that.
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vc commodore

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Jun 18, 2014
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Good on ya mate, if I had a Neville he'd be sitting out front in a prime viewing position looking like King Dick for every man and his dog to see, you're reaction to the new neighbour was rather too polite I must say though, haha.

See, too many people complaining over petty ****, #### me, complaining about a statue, haha.

No my words on here were polite, when compared to what I actually said to him.....Neville is still sitting in the same spot as he was 6 months ago, when the neighbour had his whinge

My old man came over here with his family from Germany as a child, they came by boat, the legal way, haha, they spent time in camps (not death camps, haha) here in Australia until they could get housing which Pop worked for, Nan stayed home looking after 7 children, all Uncles except one and Dad (both too young) served in Vietnam, all Uncles came back 'different' and had trouble adjusting to normal life.

Moral of the story is, my German family came here the right way, they worked for what they have, they fought under the Australian flag, they didn't live off of benefits, although were extremely poor, they didn't demand things be changed for them, they adapted to Australian life.


Good on your family for how they adapted to the Australian way of life....I have worked with poms, that curse other poms when they whinge and whine about life in Australia....I currently work with a bloke of Italian/German decent....His Dad being Italian and his Mum German. His parents adapted to the Australia way of life, with pride and taught their kids to respect this country the way it should be.