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What do you think is wrong with the world?


Smile and wave boys !!!!
May 23, 2014
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yes because there isn't a queue of more idiots waiting to replace the previous idiots!

You know what they say, if you make something idiot proof the world will just generate a bigger and better idiot.

BTW some of the biggest twits are the old boys who say, nah herp derp I don't need no WHS, we had that - two old boys decided that safety guards just got in the way of their out of spec grinder disc and you know glasses are just as good as safety goggles - this story did not have a happy ending.... The company was super happy because one of them wasn't even site WHS trained, not that this really matters - unless you want to point the finger and say "not my fault"!

Oh the one who didn't take out half his face, still does pretty much the same things he always has - lesson learned? Nope.

See pre OH&S we had a thing called "Natural Selection" in this wonderful way of life people that were truly thick didn't continue to steal oxygen from the rest of us, then upon their demise our friend "Evolution" would come into play ;)


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Sep 8, 2015
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See pre OH&S we had a thing called "Natural Selection" in this wonderful way of life people that were truly thick didn't continue to steal oxygen from the rest of us, then upon their demise our friend "Evolution" would come into play ;)

I had a colleague that led me down this way of thinking too. We were talking about all these new 'learning disabilities' within today's generation that weren't around 10+ years ago. And he just replied with "Healthcare. Our medical practices have gotten to the point where we can save move lives that it removes that natural selection and therefore kids that probably wouldn't have made it 20 years ago are staying alive."

Guess it's the same with OH&S... Its preventing the work of natural selection


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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See pre OH&S we had a thing called "Natural Selection" in this wonderful way of life people that were truly thick didn't continue to steal oxygen from the rest of us, then upon their demise our friend "Evolution" would come into play ;)

nah those Darwin candidates just ignore WHS :)


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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My turn.

What's wrong with the world today? How much time do you have? Let's keep it domestic - the world is too big a place for a short forum post.

We have developed a generation that expects things to be provided by the government as a matter of rote. Just earning an income isn't enough for many - it has to be supplemented at the expense of others, by government benefits. When the benefits are no longer appropriate or affordable for the government, and they try to remove or reduce them, their opponents and the beneficiaries whinge like stuck pigs. The fact that the benefit may not even be justifiable any more doesn't matter.

We have also developed the attitude that someone is going to pay if I suffer ANYTHING I don't like. We laugh at the American habit of suing for minor incidents but we have become just as committed to litigation for trivial matters.

There is a definite lack of respect for authority these days. Young people (and older ones too) laugh at police and taunt them, committing misdemeanors or worse knowing that the justice system will err on the side of caution unless you have an exstensive criminal record. Criminals are released on bail or parole and commit crimes as heinous or worse than those for which they were originally charged.

Our streets are frequently trashed with meaningless, indecipherable scrawl and stupid graffiti on any vertical surface. Fences are kicked in, cars are torched, parties are crashed and properties ruined by drunken scum who have nothing better to do that destroy other people's property. Respect for other people is diminishing.

Children are bred with no manners. My granddaughters were brought up to say please and thank-you and the number of times they are commented on favourably for doing so is because it happens so seldom.

Some members of the community for whom respect once existed at the highest level are being convicted for paedophilia dating back twenty or thirty years. Senior Catholic (and possibly other religions) priests are ending up in gaol after being convicted of multiple offences on minors in their care.

People these days are worried about things they didn't have to concern themselves with until the turn of the century or thereabouts. Terrorism comes readily to mind, particularly in light of recent events on just about every continent. Even the Lindt seige in
Sydney is now classified as linked to Islamic terrorism and at least two states in Australia have suffered murders and shootings involving idiots proclaiming to be connected to Islam in some way. When we see the severe attacks overseas, and experience the small potato attacks here, it still brings home the fact that we are not so far away that it can't happen here.

Overall, I believe that people are becoming disillusioned with our society and its failure to maintain the quality of life and prosperity we once enjoyed. We may well have amongst the best lifestyles and highest living standards in the world but what good are they when so many people are worried, distrustful and angry about what it really means to them?

Rant over, but this is one forum member who remembers times when life was simpler and we treated each other with respect and humility. We didn't have all the modern gadgets and we didn't need them. Life really was simpler. I feel a bit sorry for those of you who never got to experience those times.


My turn.

What's wrong with the world today? How much time do you have? Let's keep it domestic - the world is too big a place for a short forum post.

We have developed a generation that expects things to be provided by the government as a matter of rote. Just earning an income isn't enough for many - it has to be supplemented at the expense of others, by government benefits. When the benefits are no longer appropriate or affordable for the government, and they try to remove or reduce them, their opponents and the beneficiaries whinge like stuck pigs. The fact that the benefit may not even be justifiable any more doesn't matter.

We have also developed the attitude that someone is going to pay if I suffer ANYTHING I don't like. We laugh at the American habit of suing for minor incidents but we have become just as committed to litigation for trivial matters.

There is a definite lack of respect for authority these days. Young people (and older ones too) laugh at police and taunt them, committing misdemeanors or worse knowing that the justice system will err on the side of caution unless you have an exstensive criminal record. Criminals are released on bail or parole and commit crimes as heinous or worse than those for which they were originally charged.

Our streets are frequently trashed with meaningless, indecipherable scrawl and stupid graffiti on any vertical surface. Fences are kicked in, cars are torched, parties are crashed and properties ruined by drunken scum who have nothing better to do that destroy other people's property. Respect for other people is diminishing.

Children are bred with no manners. My granddaughters were brought up to say please and thank-you and the number of times they are commented on favourably for doing so is because it happens so seldom.

Some members of the community for whom respect once existed at the highest level are being convicted for paedophilia dating back twenty or thirty years. Senior Catholic (and possibly other religions) priests are ending up in gaol after being convicted of multiple offences on minors in their care.

People these days are worried about things they didn't have to concern themselves with until the turn of the century or thereabouts. Terrorism comes readily to mind, particularly in light of recent events on just about every continent. Even the Lindt seige in
Sydney is now classified as linked to Islamic terrorism and at least two states in Australia have suffered murders and shootings involving idiots proclaiming to be connected to Islam in some way. When we see the severe attacks overseas, and experience the small potato attacks here, it still brings home the fact that we are not so far away that it can't happen here.

Overall, I believe that people are becoming disillusioned with our society and its failure to maintain the quality of life and prosperity we once enjoyed. We may well have amongst the best lifestyles and highest living standards in the world but what good are they when so many people are worried, distrustful and angry about what it really means to them?

Rant over, but this is one forum member who remembers times when life was simpler and we treated each other with respect and humility. We didn't have all the modern gadgets and we didn't need them. Life really was simpler. I feel a bit sorry for those of you who never got to experience those times.

Bang on the money mate.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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V2 CV8 Monaro and VF SSV Redline
Oops. I forgot that one. The world is giving birth to ever increasing numbers of complete brain-dead idiots.

and then giving them cameras to record it all for us :)