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What do you think is wrong with the world?


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Aug 9, 2009
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2000 VTII Commodore Olympic, 2012 Ford Focus ST
This is probably slanted towards the US to some degree but still applies here -

If you had $1 billion and you stood on a street corner handing out $1 per second, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, you would still not have handed out $1 billion after 32 years!!

BIG number! This is how to explain it:

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one adverting agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

One billion seconds ago it was 1959.
One billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
One billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
One billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
One billion Dollars ago was only 13 hours and 12 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

Stamp Duty
Tobacco Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Income Tax
Council Tax
Unemployment Tax
Fishing Licence Tax
Petrol/Diesel Tax
Inheritance Tax
(tax on top of tax)
Alcohol Tax
Property Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Vehicle Licence / Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Carbon Dioxide Tax

How many of these taxes existed 60 years ago ?

Mum stayed home to raise the kids,
Dad and teachers were allowed to discipline kids.

A criminal’s life was uncomfortable.
Boat people were kids sailing on the harbour.

What the hell happened?

'Political Correctness', ‘Politicians or both?'

Disclaimer - I haven't checked the numbers.....feel free to do so in your spare time.

Federal budget is about 450 billion a year, or about $20k per citizen. So a billion dollars is spent by our federal govt every 18 hours or so.

But put into perspective, global economy generates about 50 trillion a year, or a billion dollars every 11 min or so.

70 billion humans or so have existed.......
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Aug 9, 2009
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Good on your family for how they adapted to the Australian way of life....I have worked with poms, that curse other poms when they whinge and whine about life in Australia....I currently work with a bloke of Italian/German decent....His Dad being Italian and his Mum German. His parents adapted to the Australia way of life, with pride and taught their kids to respect this country the way it should be.

I think what you will find is that everyone finds their own way of adapting. To work, go to school, even access welfare you do have to somewhat assimilate to simply function.....but at home with family etc many newcomers go back to their own cultural ways. As long as its legal and not disturbing others I don't really care what people do.


expat Saffa
Dec 30, 2011
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^^^ The idiots are the only reason OHS exists at all. Imagine the unemployment if all the idiots disappeared.

When you have to put" contents hot on a coffee cup " when you buy a coffee from somewhere you have to wonder or having to call in a electrician to change a light bulb in the work place .


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Jun 14, 2010
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^^^ The idiots are the only reason OHS exists at all. Imagine the unemployment if all the idiots disappeared.

I strongly believe the idiots exist because of stuff like this WHS crap, people are no longer learning to think for themselves and expect others to tell them how to do their job. I'm a strong believer of learning from your mistakes and if you're being stupid then you only have yourself to blame but of course we now live in a society where if you do something dumb you can successfully take legal action against someone else for not stopping you. Like I mentioned earlier we have to have signs in our stairwells saying use the handrails, signs in the toilets saying wash your hands, signs on floors saying cleaning in progress careful wet floor etc etc, there are so many signs around the place that nobody pays attention to any of them! This isn't just related to my workplace as I see it everywhere, classic example is place a wet paint sign on a bench and I promise you someone will sit on the bench.


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Jun 14, 2010
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I have a Neville statue from Kingswood country......A new neighbour moved into the street and within a week of him moving he asked me to remove this statue from my front yard, because it was offensive....My response was he's staying there and if you don't like it, #### off and find somewhere else to live.

This is in reality very sad that people need to look at things in a racist way all the time. I grew up being called wog on a daily basis, did it every offend me no! For Christ sakes it's a 3 letter word and what I am. I still let others call me a wog and I don't care, if I was another race I more than likely share the same view. Words cannot hurt you but you can make them hurt you yourself. Don't get me wrong on this I'm not for racism and I'm strongly against judging someone or treating them differently because of their race but don't jump on the racist bandwagon for every little thing.

Regarding your neighbour finding the statue offensive, ask them if they would still feel that way if you were black.


I strongly believe the idiots exist because of stuff like this WHS crap, people are no longer learning to think for themselves and expect others to tell them how to do their job. I'm a strong believer of learning from your mistakes and if you're being stupid then you only have yourself to blame but of course we now live in a society where if you do something dumb you can successfully take legal action against someone else for not stopping you. Like I mentioned earlier we have to have signs in our stairwells saying use the handrails, signs in the toilets saying wash your hands, signs on floors saying cleaning in progress careful wet floor etc etc, there are so many signs around the place that nobody pays attention to any of them! This isn't just related to my workplace as I see it everywhere, classic example is place a wet paint sign on a bench and I promise you someone will sit on the bench.

I was lucky that when I was back on the railways in Sydney I had an office at my depot in Edgecliff & a smaller office at Bondi Jct station. The office at Bondi Jct had mirrored glass which faced onto the concourse. Fridays & Saturday evenings were fun at this office as you'd see the girls applying their makeup & adjusting their dresses & bras & we had a perfect view. Sorry to digress but it was always funny.

Anyway one time during afternoon peak, a woman came out of the turnstiles & dropped a bottle of wine accidentally on the ground in the concourse not far from my office there. Instead of letting staff know, she just kept walking. It was a major trip hazard. I contacted the station cleaner via two-way of the situation & he arrived promptly with his cleaning trolley. I went out to greet him & said that I'd direct pedestrian traffic while he went to get concertina barricades to start mopping up. I'd already put out signs & was starting to clear up the broken glass. The cleaner barricaded the affected area & started clearing up the mess while we had peak time commuters going all around us. One woman who had just come through the turnstile, decided that she wanted to take a shortcut through the barricades just so she could catch her bus. She didn't care & didn't take notice of the wine on the floor. She slipped & landed on her ass so hard that she screamed. I helped her up & pointed out the signs, barricades & people avoiding the area & she whinged about not catching her bus to her apartment at Bondi Beach (beach buses leave every 5mins during peak). I escorted her to the Stationmasters office for first aid & she started whinging at the Station Master about not having proper signs. I know the Station Master well & got the cameras up on the concourse where the spill happened & replayed the tape from where the original woman dropped the bottle right up to when this woman came through the barricade & slipped. The Station Master told her that everything under OHS was done properly to contain the spillage & that she had failed to adhere to the warnings. Then she spurted out that there should have been messages over the tannoy system. He replied back that she should have used her eyeballs to notice the signs and barricades & not taken a shortcut. He also mentioned a trip to an optometrist would be helpful (he said it to her with a straight face & I was trying not to laugh). He said to her that there was not cuts but she'd bruise & if pain continues to go see her local GP. It was after she left we replayed the camera footage & p****d ourselves laughing over this idiot.

I've seen some crap on the railways over the years, but you'd be amazed at the amount of people who don't give a crap about warning signs & barricades until something happens to them. No wonder they created The Darwin Awards!


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Mar 22, 2014
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I laugh quite heartily whenever I'm made to run through WHS thinking it's common sense.

Then I hear about all the idiots in our warehouses losing limbs, cutting open their faces and flatout dying just because they did something stupid.

The real problem isn't the WHS crap - it's idiots as always, idiots and you can talk to them until you are blue in the face and they will still be idiots and do stupid things and then they will still fail to see their problem.

Best way to deal with these types of employee's is show them the front gate, "Bye Bye"


expat Saffa
Dec 30, 2011
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New Zealand via Cape Town
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Best way to deal with these types of employee's is show them the front gate, "Bye Bye"

I love your way of thinking , and agree totally , but the way Human Resources work is that they are set up so the idiots , the complete ####wits can get and keep jobs .


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Jan 22, 2007
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Best way to deal with these types of employee's is show them the front gate, "Bye Bye"

yes because there isn't a queue of more idiots waiting to replace the previous idiots!

You know what they say, if you make something idiot proof the world will just generate a bigger and better idiot.

BTW some of the biggest twits are the old boys who say, nah herp derp I don't need no WHS, we had that - two old boys decided that safety guards just got in the way of their out of spec grinder disc and you know glasses are just as good as safety goggles - this story did not have a happy ending.... The company was super happy because one of them wasn't even site WHS trained, not that this really matters - unless you want to point the finger and say "not my fault"!

Oh the one who didn't take out half his face, still does pretty much the same things he always has - lesson learned? Nope.


Smile and wave boys !!!!
May 23, 2014
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I see you mention homelessness. I work in this field and boy the system is broken.

i think a lot of people get the $hits with the "economic" homeless the people that sit on street corners pretending to be homeless and beg, later getting into their cars and driving off it happen where i work everyday. It gives the genuine homeless people (people that need real help) a bad rap. I mean anyone can find themselves on the bones of their arse and i'm predicting we will see a lot more homeless in the future with the way housing prices are rising not good