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WTF is going on with kids/teens today?


Nil Bastardo Carborundum
Nov 29, 2007
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Lower Hunter Region NSW
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CG Captiva 5 Series 2
this thread interests me. I'm 22 so I would have probably not so long ago (perhaps still?) fall into the category that you "oldies" describe. people of the older generation say that the parents are to blame for unruly youth. but then these same parents say "back in my day we got the stick for talking back" but then fail to do the same to discipline their own kids. kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

I wonder what you all where like when you where in your youth. but of course I bet you all did nothing wrong, you probably ate all af your vegetables and went to bed on time and never, ever talked back to mummy and daddy. /sarcasm

just remember too that it's the younger generation that will be fixing the older generation's ####ups, cleaning the environment that the older generation ruined and fighting the wars that the previous generation started.

No, we did things that were wrong. We laughed at others' misfortunes, we were cheeky (but there was a limit to what you knew to say. Really foul language was a no-go zone). We copped the cane for ill discipline at school. How many young members on this forum ever got caned? I proudly managed to complete my final year at school without the cane. It was the only year I did so - I must have been a slow learner!

I guess the worst thing we did was to set fire to dumped cars in the bush near home for fun. The risk of a bushfire was always present but never occurred. The cars really were derelicts, not stolen. In the 60's, old worn out cars were dumped in local bushland because they were worth zilch and it cost money to dump them at the tip.

Notwithstanding that, we respected authority and the police in a manner which is totally absent these days. We respected other people's property. We didn't see the need to scrawl **** over every sign. fence, wall, window or train we got near. We didn't smash property for fun. Alcohol sales stopped at 11pm in summer - there was no Sunday trading at pubs unless you were a "bona-fide" traveller (more than 30 miles from home). 3 am closing hadn't been invented. You didn't have any social websites (hell, the word website didn't even exist back then) so no idiots could perform in front of a mobile phone then enjoy their five minutes of fame on YouTube or Facebook. It was a much simpler time, but respect was taught to us from an early age and reinforced throughout our youth. That doesn't appear to apply much these days.
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Aug 16, 2011
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97 VT Wagon Exec / VK 202 EFI
I'm 24 and used to cop a backhander from the old man when we mucked around. And looking back rightly so.
My missus brother is 14. Swears at his mum "get me f&@$n food" etc. and she does. The dad says nothing or if he does he mumbles it from the couch as the kid tells him to shut up.
It's all in the parents. I would never in a million years have back chatted my mum.
Problem is that the kids now know EXACTLY what they can and can't do. They know exactly how little.cops and teachers can do to punish then. They know their old man can't clip em over the ear at the supermarket without being reported.


Nov 12, 2011
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Western Australia, Perth
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I'm 24 and used to cop a backhander from the old man when we mucked around. And looking back rightly so.
My missus brother is 14. Swears at his mum "get me f&@$n food" etc. and she does. The dad says nothing or if he does he mumbles it from the couch as the kid tells him to shut up.
It's all in the parents. I would never in a million years have back chatted my mum.
Problem is that the kids now know EXACTLY what they can and can't do. They know exactly how little.cops and teachers can do to punish then. They know their old man can't clip em over the ear at the supermarket without being reported.

exactly. who wouldn't abuse that power? sometimes i see these mums in the shops infront of me in the lines and the kids just about smashing everything cos he wants a lollipop. much easier to just buy him one then go through the judgement of others.

VS 5.0

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exactly. who wouldn't abuse that power? sometimes i see these mums in the shops infront of me in the lines and the kids just about smashing everything cos he wants a lollipop. much easier to just buy him one then go through the judgement of others.

And therein lies the problem...the easiest way out is a path too often taken.

My kids have tried that same trick on me before. A firm No and a simple promise of repurcussions if they continue to carry on generally works. And stuff the judgement of others...they're probably the ones without of control their kids anyway.


Nov 12, 2011
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Western Australia, Perth
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And therein lies the problem...the easiest way out is a path too often taken.

My kids have tried that same trick on me before. A firm No and a simple promise of repurcussions if they continue to carry on generally works. And stuff the judgement of others...they're probably the ones without of control their kids anyway.

ye if/when i have kids i can tell you they will be copping a few clips if they stuff up. i think everyone should have an unspoken rule about shopping centre tantrums. turn a blind eye to the smacks so to say...


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Jan 15, 2011
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being only 20 i can say even i know what you are talking about i see it day in/ out
my brother had someone who looked about 8-10 threaten to " bash" him with his scooter ( ROFL!) just for his wallet mind you this was at 1 am on a Saturday night wtf was the kid even doing out !?
the problem is parents are not clipping them under the ear or across the ass enough and letting games/ teachers/ society take the blame it starts at home and turns the next gen into ####wits , me personally i knew i was in the **** when i heard the wooden spoon being drawn =/ haha or dads belt buckle now that **** it works ...


Oct 24, 2009
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Before I write this, I'm 19.

I think it's absolutely disgusting how teens are acting these days and I do not blame the parents for it. Yes some parents are to blame although my mum and dad split up fair while ago but they both raised my brothers and I well.

I'm the eldest and currently live out of home and have just started my second year of my apprenticeship. I am completely drug and alcohol free.

But my brother on the other hand..

He's 17, smokes bongs all day, every day and lives at home on centrelink.

I blame society itself, I'm not even into drugs but I know the addresses of so many drug dealers. So why can't the police figure it out?

I remember a topic being brung up a little while back about to receive payments you need to pass a drug test. I think that is a absolutely fantastic idea as I know SO MANY people that just sit at home using drugs all day because the government and us hard working people are paying for them to live.

I think the law needs to become more strict and for people under the age of 18 to have way stricter punishments rather then a slap on the wrist.


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Oct 27, 2012
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I raised my Nephew since he was 14 I was 29 he is now a 2nd year apprentice and an over all good kid but it wasnt all ways like that - I do not EVER want a child of my own


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Before I write this, I'm 19.

I think it's absolutely disgusting how teens are acting these days and I do not blame the parents for it. Yes some parents are to blame although my mum and dad split up fair while ago but they both raised my brothers and I well.

I'm the eldest and currently live out of home and have just started my second year of my apprenticeship. I am completely drug and alcohol free.

But my brother on the other hand..

He's 17, smokes bongs all day, every day and lives at home on centrelink.

I blame society itself, I'm not even into drugs but I know the addresses of so many drug dealers. So why can't the police figure it out?

I remember a topic being brung up a little while back about to receive payments you need to pass a drug test. I think that is a absolutely fantastic idea as I know SO MANY people that just sit at home using drugs all day because the government and us hard working people are paying for them to live.

I think the law needs to become more strict and for people under the age of 18 to have way stricter punishments rather then a slap on the wrist.

Society is to blame I agree, firstly there's too many people making decisions for us and wont allow us to raise our kids as we should and then there is the parents as everyone has described that don't give a toss. Last week was a classic example of a crazy society that we live in when it was decided children in childcare can't blow out candles on birthday cakes, somethings got to give one day with all this crap.


raise your children not to be women and men but ladies and gentlemen, this is a lot harder to do because it keeps the parents in check.the rules have all changed so quick most people cant keep up,so here is the latest in my area,if your child misses more then 3 days of school the centerlink payment is stopped and you go in for a review if you don't have a doctors cert for the missed days.if your child gets in trouble once with police they are are put on instant curfew on school nights and weekends, for doing graffiti e.t.c,there are no payphones anymore so most people are buying moblie phns for there children whats age have you seen a child with a moblie phn i saw a 5yr old girl is that too young? you dont go into banks any-more for money so if you child wants a card for there 10yr birthday they mean an A.T.M card. is there enough help for children with mental problems that slip through school and find there own help through illegal drugs,should every school make children go through a counseling session 1 on 1 every mnth to make sure there's no serious problems? as for the baby bonus why did they stop paying people $5,000.00 umm maybe because 12yr old girls were getting pregnant via the parent enforcing it for the quick cash.So now they only get a little bit extra in the pays. people like me are involved with things like this and if you ever want to make a serious change in this world more people need to ring there local members of Parliament and let them know whats going on in there neighborhood.so alot of food for thought of whats going on in this world,