A bit dramatic Stig writing off a whole engine just because you looked at the red book power figures and spent 2 years strapping a glorified AC compressor to your car.
Could have just said it's not your cup of tea.. other people have had some success with them.
I write off the L67 because it's disappointing! It's a "performance option" that seems to have been designed by committee on the cusp of the environmentalist movement getting it's hands around the throat of a dying American automobile industry.
Because the figures back me up, both in terms of technical specs and current pricing I am accused of being dramatic? Sorry for having some form of evidence to back up my argument.
I am not claiming that the SC14 is the best thing since sliced bread, admittedly it is a budget option, but doing all of the work myself I was able to outperform the L67 at the same boost level by some margin. If that isn't cause for concern I don't know what will convince you.
I am sure those who have had success with them spent a lot more money than they could have for the same results on other platforms.
The OP wanted to know why they were cheaper and if he should bother, I gave my opinion backed up with verifiable facts. For this I shall not apologise, and to those who would have me do so, I say...
Take a big step back.......
...............and literally FUQ your own face!
Now that's dramatic