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  1. zskinner

    VR power steering Rack into VN?

    i dont think so, to my understanding the vr column is square while the vn had a roundish column at the input shaft connecting part, but dont quote me, im not 100% sure mate
  2. zskinner

    vr/vs steering wheel on a vp

    sweet. thanks heaps ay, cheers for that :thumbsup:
  3. zskinner

    vr/vs steering wheel on a vp

    Hey guys, im sick of getting in trouble for my sport steering wheel so i've decided im gonna change it back, but I hate the vp steering wheel, so I was down at the wreckers yesterday and noticed a vr steering wheel and I really liked it, so just wondering if the steering wheel out of a vr could...
  4. zskinner

    Please help!! Vr stumbling/ wanting to stall on takeoff from lights ect..

    this is a bit of a long shot, but have you checked out your engine mounts. when taking off at a low speed a screwed engine mount will cause your car to stumble a bit (but i dunno about stalling). just a thought...... good luck mate
  5. zskinner

    turbo or supercharging my VR, help!

    blasphemy! no talking about fords in this forum! lol nah but seriously i'd convert to ford if i could afford an xr6 turbo, even better an F6 :beer chug: wooooo!
  6. zskinner

    upper rear trailing arms vn

    Depending on how bad they are you may also get an annoying clunking sound particularly when going over speed bumps and rough roads and stuff like that
  7. zskinner

    vr into vn

    lol hell yeah definately worth it, though I believe you have to change a few suspension parts to convert to a v8 (but dont quote me, im not 100% on that)
  8. zskinner

    vr into vn

    its a bit of a job mate, the tranny in a vr is electronic so i believe you may have to change to a vr transmission aswell and move all the wiring loom over aswell if you put the vr engine in. the vr engine had a few extra kilowatts but other than that theres not much benefit (not worth it in my...
  9. zskinner

    replacing harmonic balancer

    The pulley IS the harmonic balancer (the same thing just different names for them) and no you dont need to drain engine oil, just make sure to remove ALL of the old seal. Dont leave any, I used a small flathead screwdriver if I remember correctly. Good luck with it mate :thumbsup:
  10. zskinner

    Fault Code 22 - quick question

    does your car rev strangely? when you put your foot down do the revs sometimes go up as normal but your car doesnt really seem to move? if so then you should replace the tps (like 10-15 bucks at a wreckers), but if your car seems ok and doesnt have any problems like that then your tps is...
  11. zskinner

    vn & vp ecu's

    sweet as, thanks heaps everyone for your help, much appreciated :thumbsup:
  12. zskinner

    vn & vp ecu's

    hey am i able to use a vn v6 ecu and memcal in my vp v6? or can i only put another vp ecu in my car? cheers
  13. zskinner

    having problems starting car vr

    here's a link to how to check for errors - https://forums.justcommodores.com.au/threads/checking-error-codes-vr-vs-revised.22307
  14. zskinner

    having problems starting car vr

    it could be many many things, but one thing that comes to mind is the relays in the engine bay can become dirty, so maybe try taking the relays out and cleaning them (or swap over a working relay like the one from your horn or something), and make sure the wires are pretruding upward enough so...
  15. zskinner

    Good looking VR body kits and wings?

    personally i like the vr/vs senator body kit. dont like the rear spoiler too much though, looking from the rear of the car the curve of the spoiler looks a bit gay to me (but i've got that spoiler on my car and maybe im just sick of looking at it lol). i also like the vz front bar but dont like...
  16. zskinner

    Vr Tempurature Help

    the temp sensor on a vr v6 is a little blue thing behind the alternator. just need to take the drive belt off, undo the left-hand bolt that holds the alternator on, then just rotate it out of the way and there's ya sensor :thumbsup:
  17. zskinner

    turbo or supercharging my VR, help!

    i personally like superchargers cos they kick in straight away cos they are driven by the crank, where as turbo's have some lag time while they spool up before they take off. but in saying that a supercharger saps some power from engine while the turbo doesnt, its all done by the exhaust. so...
  18. zskinner


    could be, but might not. have you checked the fluid level at all? if its a bit too much over or under it can cause lots of problems for your tranny. also how long since your last transmission service? if its been a while i would suggest you get a fluid and filter change done on it and add some...
  19. zskinner

    Boot Lid full of water

    I got some stuff from bunnings when my vp did that, worked a treat, also used some between the rear spoiler and the bootlid. It comes in a roll about 8mm-9mm thick and kinda feels and looks like foam. Sorry I couldnt help more, maybe ask someone at bunnings and they may know what im talking...
  20. zskinner

    gen3 wantzzzzzzzz tho put 4:11 in his vn v6 manual

    yeah you would be changing gears every 1.76 seconds lol. either way you choose though your car's gonna fly :thumbsup: dont expect better fuel economy though lol
  21. zskinner

    vr clubbys 17s on my vp calais irs

    dont know about illegal lol but definately not recommended. different tyres will most likely have different compounds and will grip/wear/handle differently to each other so that may even be a contributor to the bad handling......
  22. zskinner

    vr v8 on lpg seems to be loosing power under heavy acceleration???

    i just remembered reading on a previous thread a few weeks ago about lpg engines getting errors 44 and 45 (oxygen sensor faults). apparently its pretty normal to get the o2 sensor error codes on the lpg conversions if they arent converted correctly or something like that ??? have a search in...
  23. zskinner

    vr v8 on lpg seems to be loosing power under heavy acceleration???

    yeah mate o2 sensor is for unleaded fuel only to my understanding. i reckon the tps sensor attached to the bottom of the throttle body is the culprit..... you can get them for like 10 bucks at a wreckers if you go pull it off yourself at a self serve wrecking yard. of course i could be totally...
  24. zskinner

    VN V6 Performance help

    diff gears for sure. get some 3.9's or 4.11's if your really serious lol, as long as she's not your daily driver though, cos it'll guzzle the fuel like crazy, but will give a really good accelaration boost, it'll be trying to change gears alot though lol
  25. zskinner

    VS Berlina overheating

    maybe the coolant isnt concentrated enough ??? could do with new coolant at the correct ratio mix ???
  26. zskinner

    vr clubbys 17s on my vp calais irs

    try swapping the fronts for the rears and see if that helps, unless the rears are stuffed too lol then you should probably get some new tyres on the front and leave the **** ones on the rear and just spin the rears up whenever you can lol thats what I did
  27. zskinner

    vr clubbys 17s on my vp calais irs

    are the tyres new or 2nd hand? when i had alignment issues, my old front tyres got absolutley screwed up. even when all my alignment issues were fixed those tyres would send my car all over the place. so if they are 2nd hand tyres than they might be all frayed and ****. just a thought anyway...
  28. zskinner

    vr comm feels like its misfiring after service

    possibly a coil pack or the dfi ignition module......
  29. zskinner

    VR Auto Trans replacement?

    just another thought you may wanna try that i just mentioned in another thread. before you go out and buy another tranny get your hands on some lucas transmission fix, its awesome stuff! i know an additive doesnt sound like it would do jack **** but i helped my slipping transmission ALOT...
  30. zskinner

    trans takes time changing when cold

    if servicing doesnt fix it then throw in some additive called 'lucas transmission fix'. before this stuff i was never a believer in additives but this stuff is awesome ay trust me, better yet its only around the $20 mark from super cheap. worked a treat when my tranny was slipping and...
  31. zskinner

    average fuel economy for 3.6 auto??

    its easy as mate, get under the car from the passenger side door and look around where the exhaust comes down from the engine and you'll see some wires coming out of the exhaust somewhere, just grab an open ended spanner (forget what size) and undo it. they can sometimes be really really tight...
  32. zskinner

    for those with transmission problems...

    hey guys, just thought i might post this up so hopefully it may be able to help someone else out. in the past few months my transmission has been slipping pretty bad (got even worse the past fortnight or so) and the torque converter lockup was not engaging at cruising speeds above 88km/h like...
  33. zskinner

    How much to fix these problems?

    The harmonic balancer you should be able to get around 130-160 trade price, the hose and belt shouldn't be too much I wouldn't think, maybe 50-70 bucks for both. Not sure about the transmission though
  34. zskinner

    Trans slipping, no power?

    Actually what 'warranty void' said probably makes more sense lol I didn't read it very well the first time. As he said go to a tranny specialist and get it looked at there
  35. zskinner

    Trans slipping, no power?

    As a starting point I personally would check/replace the tps sensor (the sensor connected to the underside of the throttle body) and make sure the kickdown cable is adjusted correctly. And then perform a basic trans service on it. Just my 2 cents, good luck buddy
  36. zskinner

    Begginer - help required. Whats this?

    lol I like that last comment, good call lol. Im another vote for getting it done professionally mate
  37. zskinner

    throttle body upgrade

    I've had a 65mm v8 one and a bored out 70mm one on my vp v6 and noticed a bit more throttle response but no actual power or accelaration difference. With a worked motor I reckon one would be good but with just a stock motor they're no good (thats my opinion anyway) im sure you'll get alot of...
  38. zskinner

    VR 2 1/4 Exhaust fit VN Vacationer Wagon?

    Dont quote me on it mate but I believe that vn-vs sedans and wagons were all the same exhaust, so as long as your vr isn't a ute then I think you should be ok (but im not 100% sure on that so dont just do it by my word) lol good luck with it anyways
  39. zskinner

    VP Water leaks and temp issues

    just a thought of something else it could be lol sorry for all the posts. When checking for engine leaks and water stains be sure to check around the top of the engine around the intake manifold as those gaskets are reenown (lol not sure how to spell that) for busting, particularly around the...
  40. zskinner

    VP Water leaks and temp issues

    Also check your oil and if its all milky and **** then thats a sign you may be getting coolant into your oil which is a very bad sign