The ‘analog’ speedo is actually not analogue at all. It’s driven by a stepper motor, so it is quite accurate and very linear.
Check the start up ‘sweep of the gauges’ and see if it is all out by the same amount. All the gauges go through a minimum to maximum value sweep when starting the car (or rather ‘ignition on’).
It most likely that it is some sort of needle to stepper motor misalignment. However, several others have commented that the needle is firmly attached, so it is unlikely to slip.
The other thought is that an ‘end stop’ (at zero) may have broken. Sometimes these things are ‘calibrated’ by running the motor hard against a mechanical stop, and then calling that a reference point. So, if an ‘end stop’ has broken, the ‘start up sweep’ will be mis-calibrating the zero point as well.