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  1. P

    extractor install (HELP)

    Undo the engine mounts and lift the engine with a suitable jack, it will give you more room to move.
  2. P

    Peer Presure(dont try this at home kids)

    What have you been charged with, maybe I can help. If its reckless then I can certainly help.
  3. P

    Side console panel keeps coming off?

    Our police vehicle VE commodores side panels are always falling off. We send them to Holden and they fix them, but within a week they fall off again. Could be a design issue in the first place.
  4. P

    Thinking of selling, What you think its worth?

    Most probably around the $1000 mark. Nobody cars about what modifications you have made, they just want a cheap car.
  5. P

    VZ Motor Replacement

    I thought the Holden VZ engine was pretty much bullet proof, with just standard city driving and being looked after. Especially an engine with only 150 ks on the clock
  6. P

    VS on Gas - Great Mileage!

    What would I have to gain by telling a lie about how far I get with my gas conversion. Do you get a prize at the end of the day for the biggest whopper. I am just telling it how it is. My last tank I got 607 kilometres before it changed back to petrol, the tank before that I only got 570...
  7. P

    Rear Left Tyre worn evenly to 40% while others are 80% with only 20000 km on the care

    I had the same problem with a Holden Astra a year or two ago. The passenger side rear tyre was approx 10 mm forward than the drivers side rear (crabbing) I took it to Holden and they said they found no problems with the rear suspension and that Astra's did not have any adjustments and that...
  8. P

    VS on Gas - Great Mileage!

    I am getting 600 to 650 kilometres per 72 litres of gas on mine and thats around town driving. Its a VZ 2005 on gas injection (dual fuel).
  9. P

    Faulty Speedometers & the law

    Ignorance as a defence will not hold up in court but "Mistake of fact" will. Has it been used in court to get out of a speeding fine???????. I have not read any case law to say it has been used to acquit the offending driver.
  10. P

    has anyone seen these number plate things.

    all correct, they dont work at all. When a picture is developed it goes through numerous procedures to display the number plate. In WA they have started using digital photos which are giving a poorer resolution to the photo than the old way...go figure
  11. P

    Faulty Speedometers & the law

    I didnt say that we had to prove if the offending driver knew he was speeding, just that the offending driver has to prove to the magistrates court that he was not. As my last post said 20 kilometres over the speed limit, I seriously doubt he could prove he was not.
  12. P

    3 inch crack in windscreen defect?

    Truck windscreens need replacement approximatley 10 times a year on average because they are always on the road and receive damage as a consequence. Why are we more lienant on truck windscreens??Because the Vehicle Standards Regs so we have to be. We only defect the truck if the windscreen...
  13. P

    How old are you???

    39 years of age and starting to slow down.
  14. P

    3 inch crack in windscreen defect?

    Yes I would defect the vehicle. If the glass is crack. If its just a stone chip then no worries. Only trucks get a better chance of not getting a defect notice because of the type of work they do and the cost to replace the windscreen on a truck, (down time) transport moguls etc etc
  15. P

    my modified red VE SS

    Modified Car All it needs now is a yellow sticker. The rear tail lights are illegal for a start. Aus veh standards req the tail lights to be seen at 80 degs from the vehicle. Your's are only veiwed from the rear. And the window tint is illegal as well, it needs to be one colour and nil...
  16. P

    'fuel gage error' displayed, ute wont start

    Could be that the old fuel just gummed up. When fuel sits for awhile it tends to gum up the fuel components. Could just need the fuel rail to sit in a bath for a while to get rid of the gum deposits. It happened to me when I was just using LPG all the time, When it come time to use the fuel...
  17. P

    Faulty Speedometers & the law

    You can use the law "Mistake of fact" At the time of the offence you were using a device (speedo) to tell you how fast you were going. You were using all the resources available to you at the time to gauge your speed. Your senses, your speedo and other vehicles travelling around you. Now...
  18. P

    Worked VZ Exec!

    A quick question, So when did painting things on a car with differant colours become a serious modification. Engine and suspension modifications I can understand. But changing the roof lining from Beige to black????????
  19. P

    Water Leak...

    Get the car, pressure tested. That way you will be able to tell exactly where the leak is and get it fixed.
  20. P

    [308] Not running like it used to

    Its most probably "your dad's full of it". For a 308 to get to that kind of revs, it would cost you a fortune. How about stop "the back yard playing" around with an engine and put it onto a performance mechanic or a dyno. At the momemt it sounds like your "pulling at straws" looking for...
  21. P

    How Much Is My Car Worth?

    From the red book * Private Price Guide $5,800 - $7,300 * Trade In Price Guide $3,600 - $5,100 * Average Km 110,000 - 180,000 * Price When New (RRP) $30,700
  22. P

    Slandering Police

    How do you pay for the service, (your taxes pay my wages???, well I pay taxes as well.....) I did not comment on your case. What you expect and what you get delivered is normally entirely differant. What I was saying is, the cops have alot on thier plate all the time and wished they could...
  23. P

    Slandering Police

    Being a police officer, I can respond to this. In my area alone there are approx 30 burglaries a week, sometimes you can get 10 in a night. Now accompany that with 3 to 4 assault cases a week, 7 to 8 stealings, 1 or 2 frauds, a couple of unlawful woundings, breach of restraining orders...
  24. P

    digital speedo

    my VZ Equipe has the lot, digital speedo, speed alert, fuel consumption. But its not a ex police vehicle, it was a company car... Is this normal?
  25. P

    Is it HOLDEN in general or the fact that it is ex-police?

    to put it in perspective with how hard there driven, certain models of rodeos of late where having the rear DRUM shoes (brakes) and as other mechanically minded people would know drum brakes on a ute on typical driving would easily last 150,000km, they where replacing them every 10,000km Our...
  26. P

    Ecotec seized. why?

    I had the same problem with a ex VN v6 that I put into a Toyota Hilux, for no reason the engine seized on me and needed to be towed back to my house. I pulled the engine out and found that a bolt came out of the bell housing and had jammed up against the bell housing and the flywheel...
  27. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    We must be much closer to the Mad Max days than I thought
  28. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    What the hell has it got to do with what you have seen, this is not a ****ing contest on who has seen the most gruesome. But for future referance, just how old are you, what example can you give for an accident that caused serious injury or death, that you were involved in, and can say it was...
  29. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    Minux has not lost contact with reality; he is just the run of the mill, "it’s not my fault, its someone else's" group. When we are taught to drive, we are told to be very vigilant and keep our eyes on the road for any obstacles, both moving and none moving. The law of the land we live in...
  30. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    Minux, you place all your faith and edits in so called stats. You can manipulate any stats to go in your favour. I am not talking from a Stat point of veiw, I am talking from my point of view. Actually attending the accidents in person. I don't need to read a professors in a University...
  31. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    How many accidents have you attended????. Investigated in what caused the accident?????? Its true, accidents are caused by a myriad of circumstances, speed, alcohol, drugs, inattention, falling asleep, mechanical failure, road conditions, stupidity, ability (lack of) etc etc. But the one...
  32. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    How is it a twist of words, the mother simply went to her letter box with her baby. The speeding driver lost control of his car, mounted the kerb, slid across the verge and struck two innocent persons going about thier normal lives.
  33. P

    This made me think... Read it slowly...

    As a police officer I attend loads of accidents that are attributed to speed. Most end up off the road in someone's front lawn against another parked car or a tree. Now just imagine if your son our daughter was playing in the front yard at the time the speeding motorist came crashing thru...
  34. P

    Rear Spoiler Install Assist

    Okay so I am not a auto electrician, 0.012 volts then.
  35. P

    can you jump start a VY

    Its got nothing to do with the battery blowing up, its to do with the car's computer electronics. Battery to Battery leads to power spikes which upsets the car's electronics. It may not happen every time, but when it does, its going to be expensive. I would not want to be the bearer of...
  36. P

    Door locks - help

    I have the same problem on my 2006 VZ on the passenger door, so how do you fix it??????///
  37. P

    Rear Spoiler Install Assist

    could someone take a picture of what plug I am looking for in the boot area to install the brake light wires. I have looked and located a pin on the right side behind the carpet. I put a meter on it and it shows 0.012 ohms. I doubt this is sufficent power to run the brake light on the...
  38. P

    living with an exec

    What do you mean, if you want a VZ exec with all the fruit then buy a VZ with all the fruit, ie buy a Berlina or a Calais. I went down the same route your going, I started looking at VZ exec's then I wanted more than just the standard, so I looked further into it. I end up purchasing a VZ...
  39. P

    Rear Spoiler Install Assist

    I recently purchased a rear Spoiler for the VZ (appears to be a VZ SS replica) off E-bay. Now I have attached it to the rear boot and need assist in the wiring of the rear brake light on the spoiler. Has anyone done this and can provide assistance, provide knowledge on how to correctly wire...
  40. P

    Looking at buying VT SS, need some help..

    For someone who wanted some advice on the car........, but when someone gives advice, you kick the crap out of it....???? You said it had some issues with the car, remember you said, not me, if I had seen the car then I could make a more informed response to your question. I have no real...